Thursday, December 24, 2009
REAL camp 2009~ (long post, i think)
What is REAL programme?
Basically it is a yearly programme that my church have to provide a platform for people to learn more about God's Word, do community work and to learn how to work better with people and baiscally just to have fun! It is NOT a brain-washing programme! (I knew you were going to say that!) Weeee~~ It is a 1-2month programme, which u can choose either 1 or 2 months depending on your schedule. We have lessons on tuesday to friday while weekends are for us to serve in church and monday is off day! A.K.A slack day!
REAL camp is a 3 days 2 nights camp for us to get to know each other better and just bond together. So yep... here goes! (good luck all sanguines!)
Day 1
First day of the camp. We were given a short briefing and we were splitted into 3 groups. The theme of the camp is "Back To Square One". Which means the basics of Christianity that some of us have forgotten or did not know about. Each group were given $50 to buy food for 3 breakfast, lunch and dinner. So basically $150 for 22-26 people for 9 meals! Exciting right?! So we combined our money together and just bought food together at nearby market and stuff. We brought everything back and we started to cook. YES! We cooked all our meals ourselves. Oops! Did i forget to mention that? So each group take turns to prepare lunch and dinner for 20+ people. It was a pretty cool and awesome experience. I think. Lol! Then we had a workshop and then dinner and then worship and service. Yup! We got sermons too! Weeee~~
Learning point:
1) We tend to see God base on our feelings and maybe sometimes people too?
2) Guard our heart and have a clear conscience.
3) Do we live on the truth or on our feelings? Feelings betray us sometimes but the truth do not.
4) We do not need to hear God to know God is there. We just know God is here with us no matter where we go or where we are.
Day 2
This morning we woke up like early at 5.30am to go to East Coast Park (ECP) to do devotion and just spend quiet time with God. To some of you, it may sound ridiculous. However, it is like the BEST thing ever! I can like just sit at the beach to read God's Word for hours and hours if we had time. You can really feel God's presence with you. Praise God! Then we went back to church to have our morning workshop then lunch then afternoon workshop then dinner then service and worship! Some of you may think worship is sing song only and nothing much or even waste time or just to enjoy the music. But to me, it is really a place to just feel God's presence and just listen to how He talks to you. It is really just an amazing time. It is like one of the best thing, not the music, not the songs but to hear God speak to you and you just worship Him with all you have. Hallelujah!
Learning point:
1) God wants us to be involved in His plans. Regardless of size, race, religion, height and etc. However, it is up to US to respond and allow God to use us and be involved. And when we respond, you WONT regret it. Its like the BEST decision you can ever make in your life! The BEST!
2) Leaders are NOT perfect although we always wish for it. So support your leaders and give them your support because it means alot to them.
3) God's standard is the standard we should all have. And it is super high! Yikes! >.<
Day 3
Woke up at 3.30am today when they said 5.30am! Like ok ok lor... Went to Changni beach to do devotion this time. And we saw a lot of dead fish. =O The water quality must really be c.m.i (cannot make it). Every 10 steps got 1 dead fish. Is this considered a lot? HAHAHA! Same routine, workshops lunch workshops dinner service and worship. WORSHIP is really really really awesome! Like awesomeness x1000
Learning point:
1) We have to be authentic when we be with people. This means be your real self. I know it is hard to do it sometimes and you may feel rejection and stuff. But really, it just sets you free and you will not be as worried or paranoid as you would when you have a fake front.
2) God can use ANYONE He likes. Even beggars, prostitutes, presidents, CEOs, me and YOU! You just have to let Him take over and trust Him. It will be hard at first but you will really thank Him for all He has done.
3) We have to do what we preach. It is VERY VERY hard, even for me. But hey, we Christians are not perfect that is why we need God. So, i am just trusting God for He is greater than ALL things.
We just did area cleaning, sharing and stuff before we break camp. Weeee~~
Learning point:
1) Everyone is different and we just have to learn from each other.
Yup! Thats all! God bless you!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
What do we seek in life?
There is something that can fill that hole FOREVER, that is believing in Jesus Christ! As long as He is there, there is NOTHING we are afraid of! So let us all seek God in all our life!
So what are we here today? To please God or man? You decide! Your choice! God bless! =D
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Is this judegement?
It is possible, however, that is NOT the first question we should ask. The first question is "How much are we willing to repent before God?" God's judgment comes only when men are sinning greatly. So the question is, HOW MUCH are YOU willing to repent before God?
If men obeyed God and repented their sins, God would not need to send judgement.
There is no such thing as a smaller sin or bigger sin. All sins are equal. Lying is as sinful as killing. No sin is more serious than the other in God's eye. Thus, we are all equally sinful. The question is, how much are you willing to repent?
Conclusion: Are you willing to humble yourself and repent before God? Or do you want to wait for God's judgment to come before you feel afraid? If you want to repent, say this prayer out loud.
Dear God, i humble myself before you and admit i am a sinner. I admit that i need your grace. Please forgive me of my sins and continue to teach my through the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for your grace. In Jesus Name i pray. Amen!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Prayer is powerful!
v19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
v20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
This two verses has confirmed how powerful prayer is. When 2 true Christians come together to ask God for something, it WILL be done. When more than 2 ask something in the name of God, God will be with them. Praise God! I realised i have underestimated the power of prayer. Prayer helps us communicate with God. And God can do ALL things! Hallelujah! Praise God! Are you worried about anything today? Commit it to the Lord through prayer. Get more people to pray for you.
Prayer is NOT a sign of weakness. It is a sign to show that you are humbling yourself before God. Praise God!
Monday, December 14, 2009
God loves YOU!
v16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
v17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
only Son.
This 2 verses suddenly came into my mind. So i would like to share with you.
v16- This tells us that NO MATTER what happens, our salvation is secured IF we believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Even if you never serve in the ministry or even if you continue to sin, you WILL still go to heaven.
HOWEVER, if you love God, you would want to be holy and do things to please Him right? For example, you would do almost anything for your girlfriend/boyfriend if you love them. In the same way, we would do anything for God if we really love Him.
v17- Jesus DID NOT come to earth to say "YOU ARE DEAD! YOU WILL PERISH IN HELL!" God sent Jesus to earth so that Jesus could bring more people to Him. Jesus would most probably say " I do not care about your past, i would like to invite you to my house in Heaven." God does not care if you are rich/poor/talented/tall/short and more. He invites ALL of us to Heaven. The question is, would you like to go to Heaven?
Think about it! God bless!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
That's God!
If we know what God is thinking, our God would not be that great right?
What i am trying to say is our God is great and wonderful because we will never be able to guess what God is going to do. God is the only One who is ALWAYS in control and perfect in ALL ways. Our God is much better then we think and no one on this world will be able to be better then Him. God is the best of the best and all knees shall bow and all tongues will confess that He is God. Even the demons feared Jesus when He was on earth. This proves He is the one and only God and there is NO other gods except the Lord our God
God bless!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Moulding process
1) TRUST. Trust that God's plan is perfect even to every single second. It is never too late nor early.
2) BELIEVE. Believe that what He has for you is the best of the best. He will only give you the best and nothing less.
3) FAITH. Sometimes you may even wonder if God even exists during this period. Let me tell you this, He does. He will NEVER leave you once you are a Child of God. Therefore, do not let go of your faith in our Great and Mighty God!
Once you have finished the moulding process, do not forget to thank the Lord our God =) God bless!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Roller Coaster
Monday, December 7, 2009
God holds on to us
You DO NOT have to hold on to God! God Himself holds on to you! Let me give you an example. Let us use Noah's Ark. Read Genesis 7 if you do not know the story.
Notice that Noah and his family and the living creatures went INTO the ark. God told Noah to go into the ark and not cling onto the ark from outside. God could have made Noah hang on to the ark from the outside, but God told Noah to go in. The ark protected Noah for 40 days from the rain and the flood. Imagine the waves beating against the ark. The wind blowing so strongly that the ark could overturn any moment. In the end, everyone in the ark was well protected and saved. In the same way, God is that ark. God will protect us from any danger. No matter what happens, God will protect us and shield us. He will NEVER let go nor will He forsake you. He will hold on to you tightly. Take a moment to thank our great and awesome God! Praise God!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
God loves each and single one of us dearly!
22 The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the LORD.
23 Then Abraham approached him and said: "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?
24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?
25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
26 The LORD said, "If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake."
27 Then Abraham spoke up again: "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes,
28 what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city because of five people?"
"If I find forty-five there," he said, "I will not destroy it."
29 Once again he spoke to him, "What if only forty are found there?"
He said, "For the sake of forty, I will not do it."
30 Then he said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?"
He answered, "I will not do it if I find thirty there."
31 Abraham said, "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?"
He said, "For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it."
32 Then he said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?"
He answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it."
33 When the LORD had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.
I think the most significant thing is that God loves each and every single one of us. He is willing to stop his judgement for the sake of even 1 person (although this passage says 10). God is willing to do anything for each and single one of us. We do not deserve all these. Even with God, we continue to sin and do things that make God very angry. Yet He is willing to do anything to save us and protect us. This is how great our God is. What are you going to do to show that you are thankful to God? God bless!
Friday, December 4, 2009
God our Provider
This picture does not bring out the full beauty of the scenery. When you are there, you see the mountains, the town, the sunrise, the clouds floating and much more. You cannot help but to think who created all these. As we know, it is God Himself. God created all these! If God can create the mountains, make sure the sun rises at the exact time and ensure enough food, water and air for the villages. There is nothing you should fear or worry. God will protect you all the way till you meet Him in Heaven! He will also provide everything you need in your life! So do not worry, give your fears to Him and enjoy His presence in your life. Not only for today but for forever! God bless!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bump on the road...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Never fixed...
Probably what i want to tell you is life is always full of changes. Sometimes you have to be flexible in life. You DO NOT have to give up your dream/passion but sometimes you have to go through by another path. It may not be the path you like to take, however God would provide the path that you need the most to mould you and guide you.
Conclusion: Allow God to mould you from today onwards. Do not insist on going with a particular way. Sometimes, it is better to go another way though it may be tougher and more tiring =) God bless!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
PS: I dont really like reading >.<
Monday, November 30, 2009
The things i did in Nepal Trip! (going to be super long!)
This day was a test of endurance -.- First, we took a 5hour flight from Singapore to Nepal. Next, we met up with Ps Shwu Eng and took a mini bus all the way to Pokhara. Did i mention the trip took about 9 hours?! Thank God we had 1-2 breaks in between. Maybe lasting only about 5-15 minutes each time? However, we finally reached the hotel! YAY! These are the people that went on the trip too!
Ps Judy - Leader
Matthew - Doing his ACTS programme
Cindy - dancer 1
Stephanie - dancer 2
Joon-yan - dancer 3
(They dance really good! You should really see them dance!)
Wallis - aka Wall-E (HAHAHA! Hope he doesnt see this >.<)
Ivy - Spiritual Mother! =D
Loo-See - Spiritual Mother! =D
(i got 2 mums after the trip ^_^)
Christine - See the pictures!!! (wink)
Eugene - THE cute one! Haha!
Sarah - My sister!
Samuel - Me!
Day 2
We went to the church to do a full day children programme from 9am-5pm. It was tiring but very rewarding! Ivy and Brenda went to do the teacher's training after lunch, while the rest continued with the children's programme! After which, we quickly packed up and left for a children orphanage. We did a 2hour programme over there. We taught them a dance, i did a magic show (yes, i am a qualified magician) while Matthew did a short sharing. We prayed for them, gave them a few sweets and left for the hotel. It was a very fun day!
Learning points:
1) Always be flexible during missions
2) Bring as much resources as possible as unexpected changes may happen
3) Teaching is to guide, not to force feed
4) God is good all the time, and He is always there!
5) We are immortal until God's Work for us is done
Day 3
We had a short devotion by Brenda.
Lerning point:
Job and Moses did many great things for God even when they did not have Jesus. However, we now have Jesus. This means we can do even greater things for God!
Next, Wallis, Brenda, Ivy and Ps Judy went to the church to do a teacher's training while the rest of us went to a secular school to have a 2 hour programme there. Matthew, Cindy, Stephanie and Joon-yan took the older group while Christine, Samuel, Sarah, Loo-See and Eugene. We taught them songs, and played games with them which had moral values in them. Christine told them a story about being a good friend before we broke them into groups to do colouring. The amazing thing is this school opened up to foreigners for the first time! We were the FIRST group to do a programme with them! (A Christian group) I believe more missionary groups will be allowed in and the Word of God will be spread to them in one way or another eventually. Praise God! The other group had extra 10 minutes to spare, thus, i did a short magic trick for them. Hope they enjoyed it! =D Next, our group went back to church. Cindy, Stephanie and Joon-yan taught the teachers a dance while Wallis, Ivy and Brenda did methods of counselling. The rest... we just nua~~ HAHA! I sat in the lesson for methods of counselling. I also learnt DISC in there ^_^ A chime topic wor~~
Learning points:
1) Treat every patient uniquely! They are not just another patient!
2) Be personal with them, try to know more about them
3) Do not focus on the problem, focus on the overall situation
4) See the people around the patient to identify the problem
5) Ask what methods have been used and try new methods! Best not to re-use!
Next, our whole group headed down to another orphanage. When me and Loo-See where trying to cross the road, we almost experienced a near death/serious injury experience. Woah! THANK GOD! God has really been looking out for us and keeping us safe. We actually planned to do a few things, however, due to space limitation, we scraped everything and impromptu-ed on the spot. I played balloons with them while Sarah taught them balloon sculpturing before i did a gospel magic trick.
Learning points:
1) God is in control
2) God creates everything
3) Do not hide Jesus in your pocket
After we prayed and blessed them, we did "I got peace like a river" game. It is very fun and addictive! Hehe! Next, we went back to the hotel and ate dinner before zzzZZZzzz =D
Day 4
Next, we had devotion by Loo-See before Sarah, Christine, Matthew, Wallis, Eugene and me left for another secular school. The rest went to the church and did the teacher's programme. Me and Christine did the programme for the younger group while the rest did the programme for the older group at the secular school. Me and Christine taught them 3 things...
1) Do not cheat
2) Do not say bad things about people
3) Be a good friend/true friend
After the programme at the secular school, we went to meet the rest of the team at the church. At that time, Cindy, Stephanie and Joon-yan did the dance workshop while Loo-See, Brenda, Ivy and Ps Judy did the "How to manage a classroom". Loo-See was teaching the lesson. I sat in and learnt a few things.
Learning points:
1) Respect every kid
2) Take all discipline offline
3) Be earlier in class than the kids
4) Show that you care before they will learn/listen from you
Next, we went back to the hotel to pack our ministry stuff and took a day pack before we left for Serangkot mountain. It was a little scary on the way up, due to the recent rain. The driver did not dare to drive us all the way up as he was afraid the van might get stuck. Thus, we took all our belongings and trekked further up to the motel/guest house. We had dinner before some of us stayed back for fellowship. After many days of ministry, we finally got to have 1 day off tomorrow to allow God to minister to us. Thank you God! =D
Day 5
Today is day off for the team. There is no ministry today. Some how it makes me happy yet sad. I cant do God's work today yet i am allowing God to minister to me =) Praise God! We trekked up early in the morning to catch the sunrise. It was beautiful! We saw the Himalayas and the sunrise. Praise God for God created all these. We took pictures and more pictures and more pictures before we trekked back to have our breakfast =) My sister and I went to buy a few things before we joined the rest of the team for breakfast =) Next, our team splitted into 2 groups. 1 group did paragliding while the other group did trekking. I was in the trekking group and we trekked trekked and trekked for like 1-2hours? Gosh! No joke! After FINALLY trekking for so long, we cabbed to town and ate at KOTO restaurant. It is a very nice japanese food and the miso soup was SHIOK! Very nice, better than singapore's japanese restaurants! =D After lunch, the trekkers walked back to the hotel and rested for about 1 hour. During that period of time, i saw a preaching done on television by 3ABN. I learnt a few things from it.
Learning points:
1) The wind, trees, universe and much more obeys every single command from God. Yet we human, supposedly to be more superior then them, are the only ones giving God so much trouble. We humans are the ONLY creation who disobeys God.
2) Luke warm Christians are the best tool for the devil! We can only be on fire for God and never luke warm!
After which, we went to a nice chinese restaurant to eat with an elder at the church. It was sort of a farewell dinner. =(
Day 6
We set off early that day around 6am to travel to Kathmandu, another place in nepal. It was a few hours journey, maybe 6-8hours? After which, we checked in to MANANG Hotel and drank onion soup. It didnt look appetizing yet it was YUMMY! Did i mention the momo there was nice? (momo is a delicious local delicacy). After 1 hour break, we head off to the believer's meeting at the church. Matthew shared on Good Grace while Wallis shared his testimony
Learning Points:
1) We were given everything by God's grace
2) We must be thankful for everything given to us
3) We are blessed because we are to bless God's people, NOT because we deserve it
After that, we went to KOTO restaurant AGAIN to have dinner with Ps Shwu Eng and her husband. We also celebrated Wallis and Sarah's birthday =) There was even a chocolate cake! Hehe!
Day 7
Today, we gathered early in the morning and went to a buddhist temple for prayer walk. I realised i need to continue to train my spiritual antenna! Its not sharp enough =( After the walk, we went to Fire & Ice Restaurant for pizza! A super yummy lunch! And its in our budget! Super YAY! After that, we did some shopping while we headed back to our hotel. It was fun, in a way =O After reaching the hotel, we prepared for ministry. The whole team went to the church. Christine, Ivy, Sarah, Eugene and me were doing the children's programme while the rest did G12. It is like a cell group. A more intense and close one. We repeated the programme we did in pokhara. It was super fun as Eugene met his match! There was this hyper active kid and i got Eugene to play with him! Super funny!!! You should have seen both of them!
Day 8
That day was a little hectic but me like =D First, our team splitted up into 2 groups. We both headed to 2 different secular school and did a children's programme again =) We basically just repeated the same programme while Matthew and Cindy took the older group and did many funny time-wasters which he managed to add in a moral. Not bad! Next, we met up with the team and had lunch. Ps Shwu Eng ordered more so we could pack some to the orphanage to bless the kids. In the end, i was responsible for bringing the food safely there... LOL! So we splitted up into the same group, Christine, Matthew, Brenda and me went to a children orphanage. Cindy, Stephanie and Joon-Yan went to do a dance workshop while Ivy, Sarah, Eugene and Wallis went to the same study centre and did another programme. =) Loo-See and Ps Judy went to the money changer to settle some accounts. The orphanage i went to was a little different.
1) The children are all musically talented
2) They have been really blessed and well provided by God
Next, we all met at the hotel by coincidence and we splitted up to eat dinner. Some ordered room service, some went out to eat and so on =D All within the church budget! Hehe =P
Day 9
I shall not blog about this day. I have my reasons =D After the morning programme, we headed to the airport and flew home! HOME SWEET HOME!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nepal Trip 2009 from 20-28Nov
P.S. The things we had to do were enriching, the place was awesome. But what made the trip SUPERB was not the programme nor the place, it was the team i worked with! Our team was really put together by God and i thank God for His ever strong presence in my life! Thank you all!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Start blogging again...
I am going for missions from 20-28november 2009, so do not miss me! HAHA!
God really plans everything out just nice for you! Really!
I applied for 3 mission trips before O levels. However, only 1 got approved (the one i am going). I actually realised in december (the dates of the 2 mission trip which got rejected), i have plenty of stuff to do. And i realised i did NOT have the time to prepare for so many mission trips. So really thank God! God really plans everything out for you in your life.
Conclusion: If you are worrying or afraid about anything in life, JUST GO FOR IT! God will plan everything out just nice for you!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thank God! WOOTS!
Thank God for pulling me through all the way! Breakdown of subjects to thank God for:
1) English - First paper, yet i was not stress!
2) E Maths - I could do all!
3) A Maths - I could not do some questions at first, when i went back to do, i could do! YAY!
4) SS - The chapters i studied all came out! Somehow Venice did not come out, lucky i never study it only! So i just picked 1 SEQ that i was most comfortable with! =)
5) Chemistry P2 - Easier than i thought! Thank God! (i am not good with sciences)
6) Elective History - Cold War never come out! I studied for all the questions for SEQ! So i picked one i was better at! Thank God again!
7) Physics P2 - The paper was a little tough to me... However, i am quite confident with the section B part. Usually i don't do well at that part... so THANK GOD! (i am not good with sciences)
8) Geography P1 - THANK GOD! THANK GOD! THANK GOD! Geography P1 was the paper i am most thankful for! I studied the day before for only 1-2hours? After physic paper i chiong to study the rest within 3-4hours. I could not memorise much as my brain was very tired... In the end, the questions i knew how to do came out! So.... THANK GOD!
Please continue to pray for me for my O levels! Next Monday would be Geography P2. Tuesday is Higher Chinese P1,P2 and physics P1. Friday is chemistry P1.
Will update you after my papers! God bless!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It is time!
I mean O levels =) hahaha! God bless!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Who is ashamed now?
v13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?
v14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened."
v15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
v16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
What really struck me was verse 16. It says people who talk bad about me will feel ashamed because they know it is not true! If we keep ourselves holy, NOBODY can say anything bad about you. Even if they do, they will be ashamed of themselves!
Conclusion: How do you want to live you life? Say it out and start on it!
God bless!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
DO NOT say 'i love God' when you are scolding vulgarities, watching porn and more and REFUSE to repent. You are being a hypocrite! The main thing is REFUSE to repent. When you want to repent, it must come with ACTION. God forgives anyone and everyone who is willing to repent.
What are you going to do about your life? You will account to God yourself, for your mistakes and sins. What do you want to hear God say to you when you meet Him? Are you willing to repent today? God bless you!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Too busy?
Question: "What are you busy in? Studies? Work? Playing?"
How long have you not talked to God? How long have you give busyness as an excuse not to read His Word? Are you really that busy or are you just refusing to find time for God? Think about it now. God bless =)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Do you know why you ask and do not receive?
v3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
v4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
Ever wondered why God says no to your request? This 2 verses answers your question. If you like worldly things, it means you hate God. Scary! If you ask for worldly things so that you can enjoy it, it is WRONG! We should not be enjoying worldly things, instead we should do more for the glory of God! God bless!
Monday, October 19, 2009
In control...
What do all fathers do? Discipline us!
God will discipline us if we have done anything wrong. In this way, we will grow every day to be a better person. God will shape our character! Discipline is NEVER fun. It will hurt... A LOT! However, we all know that we will be a much better person after discipline. That is all it matters. =)
Do you know what is the amazing thing? God is IN CONTROL! God has never lost control and will never lose control in disciplining you. So remember this when you are going through tough times. EVERYTHING IS IN CONTROL! Your life is NEVER out of control or too messy. Stay strong in the Lord! =) God bless!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This is good!
Then you would say, "I cannot accept the praise. I need to be humble!"
True humility is accepting what God makes you! Accept the fact! However, do not be proud or arrogant! Just simply say "thank you".
Once you accepted Christ, you are NOT sinless. You will still sin. However, in God's eyes (which only matters), you are blameless. It is because Jesus Christ died on the cross for YOU! You are already clothed in righteousness once you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior! That is why you will be blameless before God. Praise God!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
About Anger.
v19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
v20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
This verse is really what most of us need, including me. Why do i get angry so easily? What is so beautiful or amazing about anger that makes me want to get angry? The answer is NOTHING! The devil wants me to get angry so that i do unholy stuff. I shall persevere! With God, nothing can control me or bring me down!
If you are in trouble, seek God for help FIRST. God is the one who solves all problems.
God bless!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Just going to ask you a question today...
This means you do not care if you do not have anything/anyone, as long as you have God.
Answer yourself truthfully. God bless you!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
v7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
v8 If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.
v9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!
v10 Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.
v11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
This few verses already explains itself. We go through many different things, especially hardship, so that we can be disciplined. God is training us to be a better person. If you have not gone through any suffering before, you are NOT God's children. However, everyone does. So we are ALL His children! Praise God! Pain and sufferings will not be comfortable and it will not be fun. It will hurt a lot! However, the reward is righteousness and peace. Do you want to have it? I do!
God bless!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
"If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it."
Hope you feel encouraged by this. At least i was =) God bless!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
v8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
v9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
John 16:33
v33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
I saw something interesting on crosswalk which was linked to me by Sheena! *waves* In these few verse you see the words 'will', 'when you' and 'are' when it mentions about tough times (highlighted in blue). This means our lives will have pains, sufferings, hurts and more. The bible does NOT mention our lives will be comfortable after knowing God, so what is special in knowing God? The answer is below.
It is like an ancient pan scale. Two pans on each side of the needle. On the left, God places all our troubles, pains, sufferings and more. God does not take it away to balance the scale, He places eternal weight of glory on the right to balance it! In another word, a lifetime with Him! That is the best thing one could ever ask for! By placing weights on the right, our burdens start to get lighter and gets lifted up. So you can also say, more sufferings equals to more eternal rewards! Praise God! So do not worry about suffering for Christ! You will just get more eternal rewards! =D
God bless you!
Monday, October 12, 2009
When you light a candle, do you put something over the candle or do you put the candle in somewhere dark?
Of course you would put it in somewhere dark!
In the same way, the moment we come to Christ, we are the lighted candle. We are shining for God! The question now is, how are you going to use your light? Are you going to hide it and feel ashamed about knowing Christ? Or are you going to shine in the dark so that more people can come to know about God? Your life, your choice! Make a decision now! Do you want to shine for Christ?
God bless! =)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Focus on the big thing!
In a summarised version:
When we are going through tough times, we see the problem. However, why do we not see God as the One who will help us? When problems rises, why do we focus more on the problem rather than seeking answers from God? It really struck me... I hope that from today onwards, we will focus more on God rather than the problems we have in life. God is greater than all things, He is above all.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Topic on love... again.
3 Things we must know:
1) Love Willingly
2) Love Selflessly
3) Love Obediently
When you say it is worth it, you will love that person automatically! The first step is to tell yourself it is worth it! Remember Jesus Christ died on the cross for you, a sinner! I believe i do not have to explain the second one. However, there is something important about the last point. As long as we act accordingly to God's command and show love, even if our heart says we hate that person, we are NOT hypocrites! Awesome right? So let us go out and show our love! No more fear of being a hypocrite! God bless!
Friday, October 9, 2009
God the faithful.
Without you i am nothing, with you i am everything. I love you God!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Then i asked myself again, "Do i REALLY love God?" I hesitated. The reason? If i REALLY love God, i would do anything for Him and obey His every single instructions and commands. I did not. I realised i have took God for granted. I believe most of us are like this. If we were to add the word 'really' into our questions, we may find another answer. Take this time and ask yourself, "Do you REALLY love God?" and "Do you really know who God is?" Really? Be honest with yourself, there is no reason to lie.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Where did we put our trust?
Best friends? Parents? Teachers? Doctors? Here is the question, "When do you ask God for help? Do we ask God first in every situation or do we wait till we can do nothing on our own before turning to God?" We should seek God for help FIRST in every and any situation. God is NEVER too busy to hear your questions/needs. We should trust in Him in every situation.
I recently gone through a sticky situation this week. (read my blog for more information) I realised the first thing i did was to solve it on my own. I forgotten that whatever i had was from God and i thought i was 'great'. However, i was wrong. Thank you God for reminding me! I was caught by surprised and i fell. This shows that we should always be prepared! Our walk with God must NEVER stop for a single second! We NEED God! God bless!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ah well!
v1 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,
v2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
Verse 1 says be subject to rulers and authorities! That means you have to obey the rules and laws! WAIT! The important thing is do only what is good in God's eyes! Sorry guys, that means going for a haircut if your hair is too long. =) No littering too! Most importantly, OBEY God! God is the one and only true ruler and He has all the authority on earth and in Heaven! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords! "..., to be obedient,..." Why say this? It is because God prefers obedience rather than sacrifice. He wants us to be obedient to Him! It is better to obey Him rather than giving Him offerings.
The main thing in verse 2 for me is to show true humility toward ALL man. That means everyone! Even if you do not like that person, we have to show TRUE humility! That means coming from your heart and not acting. HARD! >.< I will do my best, God help me do the rest! God bless!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Let your actions speak not your mouth
16They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
This verse sounded simple when i first read it but after thinking for awhile, i found it quite meaningful. "They claim to know God,...." shows that with their mouth, they declare they know God and believe in Him. "... but by their actions they deny him." This means, ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Their actions DENIED God. This means that action is more important. Although they may say "I LOVE YOU GOD", if they continue to sin and refuse to repent, they DO NOT love God.
-First, let your actions show that you LOVE God!
-Second, it is not the point to be perfect. The point is to continue to stop sinning. Just keep trying! If you keep trying to stop sinning, God is happy. God bless! =)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sticky situation.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
There is two meaning to sins:
1) Doing something you know you should not do (lying, stealing, killing, greed, lust)
2) Doing something you should have done but did not (love your friend, telling the truth)
Sin is a rebellious action towards God! When you sin, you disregard God's law! This means you are rebelling against God! Even a tiny lie is rebelling! WOAH! When you sin, you are associated to the devil! Do you know what this means? You suffer the same consequences as the devil!
Example: You dye your hair rainbow and you walk like gangster. When you go on the streets, people will give you a stare. Police officers will also ask you for your IC. Why? It is because you have been associated with a gangster! You will be treated as one!
Do you want that? The devil is going to hell! Do you want to go to hell too?
Then what can we do? First, you must admit that it is sin! DO NOT give excuses! Do not say, "Oh, it is like that." or "My mother say i am like that." STOP! When you have sinned, say you have sin! You cannot hide anything from God! Nothing! If it is an act (willing to admit sin is sin), it is easy to correct. If it is an attitude (refuse to admit sin is sin), that would be hard! Now take the time to identify what your sins are.
The devil has 3 ways to destroy us:
1) Entice us to sin
2) Inflicts diseases into our body
3) Seduces us to error
Let me tell you this, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO OVERCOME SIN! When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He not only washed our sins away. He has also gave us the power to overcome sin! Through the Holy Spirit, you can be changed! The Holy Spirit will transform our sinful nature to more godly characteristics. (righteousness of God)
Conclusion: The point is not to make your life perfect. We WILL sin! The point is to keep trying to stop sinning. That is all it matters. To keep trying! Regardless how many times you fail, keep trying!
Friday, October 2, 2009
I see...
v11 Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him;
v12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us;
v13 if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.
This 3 verses really summarise our walk with God. On earth, when we die because we believe in the Lord our God, we will forever live in Heaven with God. Praise God! When we go through trials and we persevere, we will always come out as the winner! God will always be there to help us to persevere and get through the difficulties =) When we say we do not believe in Him anymore, He will allow you to leave Him. However, He will also reject you. It is your choice! If you want Him, He will be there. If you do not, He will not force you to be with Him. If we have lost faith in Him, He will always be full of faith. This means that as long as we believe in the Lord our God, He will always be there for us. He never fails! God bless!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Money is the root of all evil. Indeed!
v7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
v8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
v9 People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
v10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
This few verses has brought my attention to how i am living in life. The first verse is so true. I believe most of us already know it. We bring nothing to the world, we take nothing out of it.
Then why are we hungering for all these?
It struck me... I was and still am speechless. What is the point of saving so much money just to buy something when you can use the money to bless someone? That is a very good point. I have seen and personally experienced becoming enemy with my friend(s) over money issues. I have seen how money tore up a family who used to be close together. I have seen people lying to one another for the sake of money. Money... is the root of all evil. If we desire for it, no doubt we can enjoy the comfort of the world. However, it will lead to many sufferings.
So i encourage you, do not let money be part of your life. Do not hold on to it. Do not be obsessed about it. Money is important in this world, but it should NOT be important in your heart. God bless!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Young? No problem!
v12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Does being young give you an excuse to disobey God's Word? Does being young give you an excuse to push all blames away? Does being young means you cannot do great things for God? NO! So what if you are young? You can still do great things for God! You still have to obey His commandments! You will still be judged for your sin! So live your life that pleases God! The younger generation will say what a good example you are. While the older generation will be ashamed of their own behaviour. So who says being young means you are useless? Think about it! Then act! God bless!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Will you?
v1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—
v2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
v3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
v4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
v1-2 just shows how prayer should be done. And it shows that prayer pleases God. However, the main point is in verse4.
God our Savior, who wants ALL MEN to be SAVED and to come to a knowledge of the truth. God wants you to know Him! Every single one of you! No matter what you do for a living, no matter how tall or short you are, how fat or skinny, how rich or poor you are, God wants to save YOU! He wants you to be in Heaven with Him! The only problem is, will you accept His help? Will you allow Him to change your life for the better? Will you let Him be your Lord your God?
If you want, say out this prayer with me. If you do not, close this screen NOW! I am serious!
Dear Heavenly Father, i want to accept you as my Lord and Savior today. Please enter my life and forgive me of my sins. Let the Holy Spirit guide me and lead me. I thank you for sending your one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross to wash my sins away. And i also thank you for letting me be your child even though i do not deserve it. In Jesus Name i pray. Amen!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Start the love!
If you feel like the above, here is what you can do. Why not start loving others? If everyone were to ask why nobody love me, then who would be the one loving others? Why not YOU start spreading the love? Love others as God has loved you. Love is the greatest commandment from God. Love others because God wants you to, NOT because you want to get attention/loved back or more.
Mark 12:29-31
v29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
v30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'
v31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these."
Remember, love others because it is pleasing to God! Not because you want attention! God bless!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
1) belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
2) confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
I have seen a quote before, i can not really remember where. If you know, please tell me so i can give the credit. This quote is NOT mine. "Believing in something unseen is faith, believing something that can be seen is knowledge." This is very true! When you say where is God? I can not see Him. Then where is your faith?! If God were to show Himself to everyone, then it is knowledge and not having faith in God! Then how do we separate those who truly love God and those who do not? So STOP doubting! The Lord our God EXISTS! He is the one and only God! Though we may not see Him, have faith! So stay strong in your faith, because one day, you are going to meet Him in Heaven! God bless you!
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My question to you is, have you been obeying God? Have you been listening to Him? If not, i encourage you, OBEY HIM! Love him with all your heart. And TRUST Him in everything! Even when we think things are getting bad, TRUST Him!
Praise God! =)
Friday, September 25, 2009
100th post!
v5 All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.
v6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you
v7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.
This tells us that God is JUST! God will not judge anyone with favouritism and He is ALWAYS right. It also says that whatever you suffer for Christ, God will reward you for it. So stay strong! Do not give up! It also says that God will always protect you, comfort you and always be there when you need Him. He NEVER fails. You may not feel His presence, but He is there!
God bless!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Something that struck me in 1 Thessalonians
v12 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.
v13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
v14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
v15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
v16 Be joyful always;
v17 pray continually;
v18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
admonish caution, advise, or counsel against something. reprove or scold, esp. in a mild and good-willed manner: The teacher admonished him about excessive noise. urge to a duty; remind: to admonish them about their obligations.
v12 says respect those who serve God faithfully in His ministry. And to respect those who are walking closer to God. It does not say age or name or race. It says ANYONE who is closer to God. Respect them, and listen for advice from them. Then you will also grow closer with the Lord.
v13-14 Love one another and be an encourager to your friends. However, i urge you to encourage them appropriately. Giving the wrong type of encouragement can be destructive to the person. Encourage him/her in the right way.
v15 Simple, do not bear grudges. Always forgive.
v16-18 Always pray and always give thanks to the Lord for EVERYTHING good or bad. For the Lord always give you the BEST!
God bless!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Suffer your own actions.
Lately i have realised a trend. One would usually say "That guy/girl hit me for no reason!" or something like that. Then i would ask them, "Does it matter what wrong they did to you?" I agree that you will feel hurt, maybe betrayed and more. But after that, what else do you want to do? Hit them back? Have revenge? If so, what difference are you from him/her who did u wrong? NONE! Let me tell you, God will punish those who did wrong. According to HIS/HER OWN actions. God will do the punishing for you. But, if you take revenge, God will ALSO punish you! THERE IS NO FAVORITISM! For Christians or non-Christians, God will treat all the same! You will have to take the punishment for your own actions! Therefore, i urge you! Forgive! It is OK to be bullied. For you know, God will NEVER forsake you! He will bring you through all your difficulties. Trust in Him and all will be provided for you! God bless!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?
25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.
For your info, the writer is Paul. Notice i underlined the word 'slave'. When i read this, i asked myself. "Why did he say that? Was he actually doing God's work out of the sake of doing it? Was he actually reluctant to do?" Then i checked up the definition of slave.
Slave - a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another
The explanation "wholly subject to another" solved my question. Paul was not whining or showing his grudge against God. He was saying that he is totally under God's law. He does not obey the world's law but only God's law. 100% without doubt. He does not care if he is tortured or even killed if he does God's works. He only obeys God!
This made me think, do we obey God's law wholeheartedly like Paul? Or do we give up or surrender when someone tells you that you can be jailed for obeying God or even killed. It made me realise, i am still not a slave to God's law. But i want to be! God, make me a slave of your law! I am willing! Have a God blessed day!
Monday, September 21, 2009
v8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
v9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Verse 8 says think about everything good. Everything that is worthy of God's name. It does not say think about sin, or unholy things like lust, porn, violence and etc. We usually act according to what we think. If we keep thinking of righteous and holy things, we will be filled with it and our actions will show. If we are filled with violence and lust, our actions will also show (pervert or mad).
Verse 9 says that whatever we learn that is holy and good, we put into action. NOT keep it to our self. It is to put it to ACTION. It means practice what we learn. If we keep what we learn to our self, there is NO point in learning! So practice what we learn! Always be aware of your actions. I will be learning with you! Let us work hard to always practice what we learn. And as we will learn forever, we practice forever. At least till we die. God bless!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What do we first pray about?
What i thought: "Pray for others and the church." Why? "To pray for blessings upon them." Why do you pray? "To talk more to God and be closer to Him."
(notice it is a conversation type)
However i was WRONG! What is the purpose of praying? It is to talk to God and to be closer with Him. Then why do we pray for other things before we can get closer to Him? Why not pray for that first? If you are spiritually weak or your walk with God is not close, how is it possible for you to pray about other things? Only when you are spiritually strong, will you be able to pray for others.
Therefore, pray for YOURSELF first. Build your relationship with God! When your walk with God is close, when you feel spiritually strong. Spread it to those who are in need. Pray for others, pray for your church, pray for your leaders. Pray for those who are hurt and in need. Basically pray for everything! Do not keep anything that God has blessed you with extra. Spread the love to others! God bless u!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Going deeper.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Serving & Obedience
5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
8And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
You may want to read this post before you begin. (click here)
Look at verse 6, Jesus came down to earth as a human being. Though Jesus was also God, He came down in the form of a human being. Not some mystical creature or some bright light. But as a human being, so that He can show us the meaning of humility. Jesus was powerful, yet He became a servant. To serve us. This shows that, we are on this earth to serve and NOT to be served. We should be servants for God. We must act in humility like Jesus Christ and serve others. Putting our pride away. Hard, but necessary.
Verse 8, "... he humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!" Jesus obeyed the Father all the way to death. In the same way, we should obey God, even if it means we have to die. Obedience is very crucial and very important in our walk with God. Obedience is something we all need to learn and apply it in our life.
Have a God blessed day! =D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
God's full armor! =D
v11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
v12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. v13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
v14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
v15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
v16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
v17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
When i read verse 12, i really connected with it. When i ask myself "Why am i afraid to spread the gospel to people?" The answer is "Scared i will get rejected, scared they will say i am not being sensitive." It is true i need to be sensitive, yet being over-sensitive or afraid causes me to disobey God. Especially when Singapore is a multi-racial society. It actually provides a lot of restrictions. In this world, we are not trying to 'kill' one another. We are actually fighting against people who have the power to torture/harm us (e.g. put us to jail). This is because we are afraid of being tortured by them! At least i am... And of course, the constant spiritual warfare that is always ongoing.
So how do we stand firm, and not be 'destroyed' by our enemies. We msut have:
1) Truth
2) Righteousness
3) Gospel of peace
4) Faith
5) Salvation
6) Word of God
God bless you! =)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
v11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
v12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
v13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,
v14 for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."
Here it says to have NOTHING to do with darkness. It means do not even go near it or even be in it. Stay clear from sin. We WILL continue to sin, but we must do ALL our best to stop sinning. It also says fruitless deeds. Whatever we do will be judged by God when we die. Whatever that we do that is pleasing to God gives us eternal treasure. While everything not pleasing (sins) will NOT give us eternal treasure. Therefore, it is fruitless.
We must be work to be open to everyone. All our dirty secrets should be exposed. If you are afraid of being exposed, you will work hard to stop doing sinful stuff. Simple as that. Jesus Christ has died on the cross and rose again to save us! He gave us life, so that we may shine for Him. Let us shine for God and glorify His precious name! Praise God!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Are our actions showing what is in our heart?
v13 "These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me"
When i read verse, i had this weird feeling in me. It struck me very strongly. Notice 'Me' is God speaking. We do things for God and we worship Him. We praise Him and give thanks with everything we do. But does our heart feels the same way? One example. When we say grace to give thanks for the food, are we really thankful? When we say 'God, i love you!', does our heart really say that?
Another thing is being involved in the ministry. When we serve God and do many things, are we doing it out of love and passion for God OR is it out of the sake of doing it? Do we serve in a structured and cold way? If you are, you are doing it for the WRONG reason. We should serve God because we LOVE Him!
It is time for me to reflect once again... God bless you!
Monday, September 14, 2009
All you have to do is TRY!
v24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
In this verse it just says that if you are in Christ, all your sinful nature has died if you desire to stop sinning. You DO NOT have to totally stop sinning to be saved. In fact, you CANNOT stop sinning! What God really wants is for you to do YOUR best to stop sinning. Do not compare yourself with others. God NEVER judge you by comparing with someone else. God just wants you to have the desire to stop sinning. As long as you do that, God is happy. This is a very simple message, but the question is, "Are you willing to take the first step to stop sinning for GOD?"
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Surrendering our all.
1) to give (oneself) up,
2) to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, etc.
3) to give up, abandon, or relinquish (comfort, hope, etc.)
When we say we surrender our all to God, it is really giving up everything. It is not only when we are in good times, or being blessed with everything. It is also praising God when God takes everything from us. EVERYTHING. Even to the extend that we lose our close friends/ family members. It is praising God even when you are sad or depressed. Praising God when you lose your job or had a fight with your close friends. It is praising God when EVERYTHING goes wrong in your day. THAT is surrendering your ALL.
For me, it is very hard to surrender my all. Although i have always tell God i want to surrender my all, i always fail. I am still attached to this world. But i am working hard to really surrendering it all. I know that God will not let us suffer for no reason, in fact, God wants the best for us and DO NOT want us to suffer. God allows satan to tempt us and test us so that we will grow closer to Him. Trials and temptations brings perseverance. Perseverance brings out character. Character brings hope. And God NEVER fails. Allow God to mould you and train you today! The only way that can be done is for us to let Him take control of our lives. Which is surrendering our all to Him. Even our lives. Let God take charge, and wait for a wonderful transformation!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My cell GDP (God's Dwelling Place)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Learnings from Prayer & Power Night (PnP) 12/09/09
Decisions that do not follow God's will = straw
Decisions that follow God's will = precious gems
In your life, every decisions we make determine if our life will be filled with more STRAW or more PRECIOUS GEMS. When we die, God will judge us. He will use a burning torch and burn everything we have done in this world. Those that are made of straw will be WORTHLESS! However, those that are made of precious gems will be REFINED and it will be given as an offering to God. So let us do God's will, let us be obedient and obey His every command. Let us live our life for God so that we will have more precious gems when we account to God. WE WILL ALL ACCOUNT TO GOD!
God never makes junk! When God called you to be His children, He wants to use you! You are not useless, not worthless, not a waste of resources. You are meant to do His works! Remember, GOD NEVER MAKES JUNK! You are precious in His eyes. Do not let Him down.
Another point i learnt today was this. During this week, i kept complaining to God why He did not do this, why He never do that. Why He never listened to me or help me. Then i was convicted today. We are here to please God, NOT here to ask God to please us. Even if we suffer, we must please God! This is our purpose in life. To PLEASE God! Have you been pleasing God? Or have you been like me, complaining to God about everything?
There is one thing that i have yet to fully understand. "There is ONLY this day and THAT day (when we die and are judged)!" I will think through it!
Before i end, i just want to share something awesome! After the sermon, we had a prayer for healing, and my pain really disappeared! Amen! Praise God!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
v30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness
This verse is showing that if we have to boast about things, let it be about our weaknesses so that people can see that it is our God that is being glorified and not us. Our weaknesses will show the need for God! So i would like to share some of my weaknesses. Food, soccer, girls -.- , lack of perseverance. I can only think of these few at this moment. I thank God for guiding me since i was born and has continue to guide me without giving me up. THANK YOU GOD! I pray that we will be open with our weaknesses so that God will be glorified and not us. We are nothing without God. NOTHING! God bless you!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Some questions like "Why was Israel first specifically blessed by God?" "Why are there contradictions in the bible or things we do not understand?"
I just thought of this, there are doubts in our minds, but it is because we are using our own understanding and knowledge to read the Word of God. Who are we to question God's plans? Who are we to say that God is showing favouritism or anger or His actions are unholy? God judges us, and NOT we who judge God. Remember that God is perfect, He makes NO mistake! Some doubts are given from the devil, just cast it out and have faith in the Lord our God for He is PERFECT!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
CAM Musical 2010
There is a few things that I hope we can all pray together about:
1) God's covering on everyone involved as we are doing His works and the devil will try to stop us.
2) Pray that we will not crash and burn.
3) There will be no internal conflicts. United we stand, divided we fall.
For Christians who are still not serving in any ministry, i urge you to join one and serve God. The church needs you regardless of how small you think you are. Without the cleaners, the church is dirty. Without the ushers, who will guide you to the correct place. Without the teachers, who will teach you about God's word? No one is too small for anything. God has made you perfect to serve in whatever ways you can. Stop being shy and do your best for God! God deserves it! God bless!
Monday, September 7, 2009
In this world, there are many illusions. Some things may look good, but it is not. So how do we know what is correct and what is wrong? What is good and what is bad? Simple! Just PRAY! Pray and God will guide you and lead you on the right path. Do not see things your way and do not say what is right and wrong with your knowledge. Only God knows what is right and wrong. Ask Him to teach you and mould you. You can start by saying a simple prayer now and wait for your life to change!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I will!
2 Corinthians 7:1
1Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
It simply just means this: We are given God's promises. We are given salvation and we will have eternal life in heaven! We will never die, NEVER! But, it asks us to purify ourselves from anything that contaminates body and spirit. It means staying away from sin. Like vulgarities, fights, pornography, lying, cheating and etc...
Note: The last part, 'perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.' It is perfectING and not perfect or perfected. It means we are NEVER perfect and we will never be. However, it is a daily process where we have to strive to be as holy as possible. So let us keep on going together! We shall not lose to the the devil!!! Praise God!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
In confusion. I have NO IDEA what God has for me. Now i am just waiting (something i do not like). So yea... My life so far has been kinda weird yet fun, really like a roller coaster (another thing i do not like). So yea.. that is all about it. Love you God! :D
Friday, September 4, 2009
Never out!
v7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
v8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
v9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
v10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
v11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.
v12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
I may always fall in the race, but i am never out unless i give up or when the race ends. Well, only when the race ends actually. Because I am NOT going to give up! The world may break my body into pieces but i am constantly growing INSIDE!
God bless you! :D
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It is FREE!!!
Friendships are not necessarily free. Family love is not necessarily free either. There is nothing in this world that is 100% free EXCEPT God's love! His love is free! It is just there waiting for you to take. The question is, "Do YOU want to receive it?"
I have received it and i am loving every second of it! God bless you! :D
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Day 1 of prelims:
2 Corinthians 1:7
v7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
This verse gave me encouragement in a way. It is because from now on, i know that God not only go through with me the happiness/joy of life, He also goes through with me the pain and sufferings i have. He is ALWAYS there!
I hope this has also encourage you. God bless U!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Here we go again! YAY!
Haha! I do not even know why, it just feels like it. Maybe i am just tired? But i can still feel the Lord with me. So probably not considered spiritual dryness... Anyway, i still rejoice and praise God! Hallelujah!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Which FEAR is greater?
The phrase "The greatest fear is fear itself!" Its SO true! And it can actually be a stumbling block for us to do God's will!
BUT! What about the fear of God? Fear of not doing His will? Where did it go? This really shows we are really not afraid of God... If we are, we would be evangelising everywhere we go.
Honestly, i am filled with the fear of losing 'face'. I admit it! But i am going to pray for help so that i will do His will! What about you? Are you going to do something about it?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A whole new level of love!
36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
There you go! The greatest commandment is to LOVE! Love the Lord your God and your neighbours (which is everyone around you). Not easy right? I agree! WAIT! That is NOT the highest level of love! The highest level of love is to love those you DO NOT LIKE/HATE. Love someone whom you cannot stay together for more than 1 sec! THAT is a whole new level of love!
I want to love those i find it hard to love! I make my decision right here, right now! What about you?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fill it up!
When you lose something like that, it is like there is a BIG hole in your life right? Your whole world is crashing and everything is not working well. BUT THAT IS THE BEST TIME TO START ANEW!
When your life is empty, the question is, "What do you want to fill it up with?" Hatred? Anger? Disappointment?
Why not God? Why not fill it up with God's love? Hatred, anger, disappointment WILL NOT fit the hole! Only God's love is a perfect fit for that hole! When you fall, give yourself a chance by filling it up with God's love. And prepare yourself for an exciting new beginning!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
One more space...
Let me tell you this, there is room for more! Churches accept ANYONE and EVERYONE! We love all equally! We do not select who can enter and who cannot, we welcome all anytime. It is them who needs to come to church to know God! If you think you are pure and righteous, why do you come to church? You are also a sinner! You are no different as compared to those you say are hypocrites/sinners/liars.
It is not the healthy that needs a doctor, it is the sick. It is not the believers we need to reach out, but the non-believers.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What is leadership?
But i do learn a few things from taking up leadership roles from the past few years:
1) You take all the criticism from others. I mean ALL!
2) You may suffer from loneliness. (I learnt to handle it =D)
3) It is really tough to be a leader, it is an ongoing process, you constantly have to improve your leadership skills.
4) I must learn to handle relationship with work. Work may hurt relationship. Relationships may delay work.
5) I am not a leader yet. Not a true one at least...
Well i learnt that gifts are given by God, but timing is also provided by God. No matter what gifts you are given, you must wait for God's timing before your gift will be fully used. So stay strong and wait for God's timing! Praise God!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
You can resist all temptations
13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
This verse really acts as an encouragement to me. When i am going through tough times, i usually ask God why He gives me such a huge problem that i cannot handle. But today, i realised i can! It is because God will not let me be tempted beyond what i can bear. Whatever God makes you go through, He makes sure you can handle it. Not only that, He provides a path for you to get out of it. We should really be thankful for having the chance to know such a wonderful God! Amen! So remember! No temptation is too much for us as the Lord our God is there, and He will only allow the devil to tempt you to what you can handle! Praise God!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Running a race!
In the same way, we should race with all we have to get the prize! We should go through God's training and be prepared to undergo suffering to be fully prepared. When the race starts, give it your best! Go all out for God!
Conclusion: You may be going through pain and suffering or in times of trouble. But this is God's training before the race starts! When the race starts, you can only win and not lose! Accept the training! Allow God to mould you! When the race start, you will WIN!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
But i am super glad that God did not leave me alone, yet He was there with me with everywhere i was. Although i neglected Him for this week, He never left me. Thank you God! As the weeks get busier, i pray that i will re-priorities and put Him first in everything.
Love you God! Always do!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sorry... :(
Then he told us this:
When we sin, God is VERY VERY VERY angry! God could punish us by sending us all to hell! However, God loves us so much that He rather die on the cross and suffer than to do that to us! He suffered pain for us! And everytime we sin, we are sending Him back to the cross... God, i DO NOT want you to suffer for me anymore! Let me not sin so that i will not send you back to the cross! Let me not take your grace and mercy for granted!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thankful =D
All these have been really making my body tired and i am like a walking zombie almost everyday... But thank God for helping me pull through the week even when it is super busy and super tiring. Thank You God for your mercy on me! Love you always!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Something to consider about...
v7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?
v8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.
v9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
v10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
v11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
I read this passage today, and i was shocked by some verses. I have highlighted it above. When someone frame you, "Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?" If being framed can bring someone to Christ, it is worth it. But can you do it? I can't... BUT I WANT TO! Dear God, when i am wronged, when i am cheated, let me take it and still praise your Name up high!
We all know the wicked do not inherit salvation, but neither do we sinners! Even the smallest sin will deny you entry. We are also not allowed in! However, it was because Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and washed our sins away that we are allowed into heaven. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
You are saved because God chose you! You should be thankful + grateful + touched + many more. Take the time now to thank God if you are already saved!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
God delivers!
I have learnt/recalled a few things from this experience. God could be talking to me in this way.
1) I have come to serve and not to be served. Even when i am not appreciated and not wanted. I will continue to serve! The apostles in the past were not accepted, however, they continued to spread the Word of God.
2) God uses problems to train our perseverance. Through perseverance comes character and character produces hope. And God NEVER fails.
- Yesterday i went through a HUGE problem which was made worst by many few... It trained my perseverance in keeping myself free from sin. (etc. not scolding vulgarities) I realised God had indeed moulded me since i gave my life to Him and my character had improved greatly from my past. And God is still moulding me. And before i started the day, today was a new day of hope. Today, He delivered me from ALL my problems. God NEVER FAILS!
God, i love you! You are the BEST!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bad day...
Who am i doing it for?
Neither for God nor for me.
What do i get?
Nothing but the dust that comes from them.
I need the Lord and He is right there,
but the feeling is still there.
I took a step back,
but they took a step.
Help me Lord!
You are my comfort,
my strength.
I will forsake the world,
just to see the smile on your face.
Ever heard the phrase "given to the undeserving". God gave me, a nobody, salvation. I want to serve even when i get unappreciated. God please mould me through this, for i know it is the devil at work. Let me triumph over evil with your help and boast you name up high! Amen!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thank you God!
Night study ended at 8.30pm today, and i went home. Somehow, i was thinking of taking a direct bus home. But i changed my mind when i realised i could not read my newspaper on it. So i changed my mind and walked to the MRT station, which was 15minutes walk away. While i was walking out, i saw parents fetching their children and i asked myself, "Why other people have parents to fetch them while i have to carry a huge bag home everyday?" Then i continued walking. Halfway, my dad called and told me he was going to fetch me. So i went to the MRT station to wait for him. SUPER COOL RIGHT?
1) wanted take bus but did not
2) complained my parents did not fetch me home
3) halfway my dad called saying he coming to fetch me
Pure coincidence? NO! I know it was God who arranged it for me :D God knew i was tired and thus He gave my father time to fetch me! I feel so touched by God's love :D I LOVE YOU GOD! God can do ANYTHING and He can read your mind! And i am loving it!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Lord is with me!
Shavinn and i had a talked yesterday... he told me something which i have never thought of. There are 2 types of people who accept God's decision even when it seems horrible.
1) People who do not get what they want but still tell the world he/she loves God!
2) People who do not get what they want but still tell the world he/she loves God! And also praise God!
To me, i have committed my results to God, in good or bad (although i hope its good). But God, you do what u want with me, just allow me to be with you for eternity! :) I want to praise you even if i do not score well! I know everything lies in your hand. I love you God! Do you love God?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A 2nd approach...
Imagine you are with your best friend. If your best friend stole something, what would you do?
1) Scold him and tell him that he is no longer your friend?
2) Forgive him and tell yourself nothing happened.
The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE! If you scold him and say he is no longer your friend, you may be pushing him away from Christ. You may actually cause him to steal more. BUT if you act as if nothing happened, are you helping him? The answer is NO! He will think stealing is ok and will continue stealing. So what do we do? WE TEACH HIM AND ENCOURAGE HIM! Ask him what caused him to steal, and help him in any ways. That is what friends are about. Not just to hang out, not just to scold you and not just to laugh together. But to keep each other accountable, encourage one another in Christ and pull the person up if he has fallen.
Conclusion: Let us be encouragers to each other! God loves you! Do you love God back?