Saturday, August 15, 2009

A 2nd approach...

Hello! Getting a little tired of blogging daily... but for God, i shall do it! God, please renew that energy i once had for this blog!

Imagine you are with your best friend. If your best friend stole something, what would you do?

1) Scold him and tell him that he is no longer your friend?

2) Forgive him and tell yourself nothing happened.

The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE! If you scold him and say he is no longer your friend, you may be pushing him away from Christ. You may actually cause him to steal more. BUT if you act as if nothing happened, are you helping him? The answer is NO! He will think stealing is ok and will continue stealing. So what do we do? WE TEACH HIM AND ENCOURAGE HIM! Ask him what caused him to steal, and help him in any ways. That is what friends are about. Not just to hang out, not just to scold you and not just to laugh together. But to keep each other accountable, encourage one another in Christ and pull the person up if he has fallen.

Conclusion: Let us be encouragers to each other! God loves you! Do you love God back?

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