Friday, August 28, 2009

Fill it up!

When you lose something you hold dear to you, what do you do? (e.g. lose boyfriend/girlfriend, job, favourite toy, best friend, achievements)

When you lose something like that, it is like there is a BIG hole in your life right? Your whole world is crashing and everything is not working well. BUT THAT IS THE BEST TIME TO START ANEW!

When your life is empty, the question is, "What do you want to fill it up with?" Hatred? Anger? Disappointment?

Why not God? Why not fill it up with God's love? Hatred, anger, disappointment WILL NOT fit the hole! Only God's love is a perfect fit for that hole! When you fall, give yourself a chance by filling it up with God's love. And prepare yourself for an exciting new beginning!

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