Friday, July 31, 2009

God knows what you are thinking!

When your friend needs help and you say you will do your best. Will you?

When you say you have forgiven that person. Have you really forgiven?

When you say you are not addicted to computer games. Are you? (I am >_<)

When you say i am not lying. Are you sure?

Have you done your homework? Did you forget to bring or never do?

All these questions can be seen in our daily lives. But how are you going to respond? Are you going to lie to make things easier for you? Or are you going to tell the truth so that you may glorify God? GOD KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE THINKING! There is NO POINT lying, especially to God. So i encourage you to act in a godly manner. It is tough (even i sometime lie to get out of trouble), but just remember, God is watching! Shine for God with your actions!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Power of God!

I saw this video posted by my friend, Kah Sheng, quite long ago and it was really powerful. Please! Please go watch! God has the power to HEAL! AMEN!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boasting Time!


I officially finished my 1 MONTH fast! I started fasting from 29/06/09 to 29/07/09 (today)! I fasted from 12am-12pm, no food no water :) And i am glad to say... I DID IT! Now i am going to share my experience with you people!

1st week
The first week was HORRIBLE! When i started it, it was really really tough. I was like crying for water in my heart. So i had to pray constantly. This actually made me close to God :) Praise God! Plus the fact i was in school, this meant i had to constantly talk to people or ask teachers questions. So... yep! It was tough!

2nd week
During the second week, i got used to it already! BUT! God made me do plenty of walking in school! >_<

3rd week
God caused me to have sore throat and more... So i had to pray for healing. And trust me, the sore throat made fasting tougher! Really did not help! And i remembered i was sick on that sunday... When you are sick, you usually drink water right? That was when the real test came! I managed to refuse water until 12pm! And i recovered the next day! Praise God! God is really faithful! :)

4th week
This week was horrible! Somehow, i got this ulcer out of nowhere. Seriously painful! Every morning when i woke up, the ulcer sort of "drain" the water from my mouth. Super thirsty! I had to keep praying to God to provide water for me, and He did! :) Loves God!

5th week
So this week was quite ok. Except that i started fasting, AGAIN, for the concert No One Else held by my church. Please pray that it will be a success! Instead of being thirsty, I WAS HUNGRY! RAWR! It felt bad. In the end, GOD STILL PROVIDED ME WITH FOOD AND WATER! YAY! Love you God! :) Will boast AGAIN when i succeeded that fast! :)

Conclusion: God can provide you with food and water. Trust Him and it will be done! Are you willing to take this step of faith? Or is it too tiring or impossible?

Be warned: I was attacked by the devil several times during the fast, resisted some, fell into some. I even got addicted to computer games... But God DID NOT ABANDONE ME! He loved me more and healing has began! Fasting do make you fall, but it really shows how much we have to depend on God :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Addicted! ARGH!

Ok this post will be super short.

Spiritual danger! I got addicted to computer games! AHHHHHH! Totally lost control of my actions :( Dear God please help me! NEED YOUR HELP!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Falling... Falling... Falling...

Yes you may fall, physically and you may bleed, but you stand up and continue walking. And the wound will heal after a few days, maybe weeks.

BUT! When you fall spiritually, WILL U STAND UP AGAIN?! Will you get up on your feet and carry on walking or cry about your failure? Sometimes you keep falling but you see people succeeding always and you feel like giving up. BUT i tell you, everyone WILL BE tempted by the devil. DO NOT ever think you are suffering alone! People out there are struggling like you, they are not having an easy life too. So STAND UP! If you fall, STAND UP! When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you have signed this contract. Something like...

From today onwards, you will allow yourself to be tempted and tested by the devil. But I, your God, will be with you all the way till I meet you in heaven again. You shall fall so that you know that you need me. All you have to do is repent, and I shall always forgive you. It is not a matter of how much you sin, but how many times are you willing to pick yourself up!.............................
................. ..............................
Signed: Samuel

Conclusion: STAND UP! Trust in the Lord your God in all situations. Remember, all these will pass like the wind, but you shall have eternal life in heaven.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Question: Have you ever been angry at someone/something and you think you have the rights to be?

Answer: If you had, you can actually be angry if you see wrongdoings on the innocent! (corrected by Yujun :D)

Ephesians 4:26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

This means God DO NOT want us to be angry for long, God want us to come before Him and pray about it. He wants you to leave the matter to Him and STOP getting angry about it. But if you can correct the mistakes, do it. When you correct someone, MAKE SURE YOU ARE DOING WHAT YOU TEACH. (click here)

James 1:19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

This tells us God want us to LISTEN MORE and SPEAK less. Do not get angry so fast! Listen to what has really happen before you open your mouth! Ask God to help you!

Conclusion: DO NOT BE ANGRY! You may be right, but leave it to God. Only God knows everything, you DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING! Listen and LEAVE IT TO GOD!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

SUCCESS (today's cell lesson + sermon)

What is success?
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

This is what the world say success is. But this is NOT what it means in God's eyes. So what is success in God's eye? There are a few ways to look at it.

1) Personal: When you promise God you would so something (e.g. devotion, quiet time, praying) everyday, and you do it, THAT is success. Simply, it means doing what you promise to God. Make sure what you promise is what God wants and NOT what you want.

2) Surrounding: You have to courage to do things for God (e.g. evangelising, praying for others or anything involving other people). If God calls and you answer, THAT is success.

Conclusion: There are many ways to be successful in God's eye. And i just listed 2 examples. BUT, remember! Do God's will and NOT your will. Do it God's way and NOT what you think is better! Humble yourself and be remorseful, for God loves those who have a servant's heart. When God calls, OBEY! Ask God to give you courage and strength and all these will be provided for you to do His will! So start small, and be obedient to God. Listen to His every single command! Lastly, LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH! God loves you! Do you?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Are we really glorifying God?

Reply this questions TRUTHFULLY! DO NOT lie to yourself!

"Woah! How did you score full marks for your exam!"

"Nice goal! How did you do that?!"

"You are really talented in music! I am impressed!"

Now what are your answers? Did any of your answers say, "Praise God! He helped me!" or "God was with me, i could not do it on my own!"?

Yes! Our every actions can glorify God, but are we giving praises to God for our every success? When we pray, we say, "God help me so that i can glorify your name!" But after you succeed, you claim credit for yourself. THIS IS WRONG!

Conclusion: I want you to reflect now. Have you been giving God the glory He deserves? Did you take His glory for yourself? Think about it! Now do something about it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you humbled by your presence. I thank you for giving me strength when i was weak, giving me hope when i was depressed and giving me patience when i was flustered. Dear Lord, please take my sorrows away and strengthen my heart. I want to beat for you and only you, dear Lord. Let me do your will and your will only, but please provide a platform for me and pave the way for me. For i know nothing can be done without you. I pray you continue to give me courage and let me face any persecution from others. Let me do your will whole-hearted and let me not bow down to the world's criticism and denial. I will take joy in suffering for your name! You are all i need, Lord. If i have to forsake my family, my friends, my comfort to go to some unknown places to do your will, TAKE ME THERE! For i trust in you and everything you have planned for me. I avail 100% of myself to you. Mould me to your masterpiece. Let me be a pottery that shines for you and glorify your holy name! Let me bring more people to your will! But Lord, hide me behind the cross for i am a man of pride. Let me be humble for i exist to serve and not to be served. I thank you for your kind grace and mercy on someone undeserving like me. I love you Lord. I LOVE YOU!
In Jesus most precious name. Amen!

(unedited. straight from my heart.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just a thought...

Question: "Do we love someone before we willingly do anything for them, or do we do anything for them before we love them?"

Answer: "Of course you love them BEFORE you are willing to do anything for them!"

This is the same for your relationship with God! You DO NOT go evangelise to people, you do not change everything that is sinful for God and more when you DO NOT love Him! That is why u find it so tough to evangelise and to do His works!

FIRST! You must KNOW who God is and LOVE Him for WHO HE IS AND NOT WHAT HE GIVES! After that, you will definitely do anything for God because you LOVE Him! So how do we love God? You read the bible to know who God is and pray to Him to talk to Him and become closer with Him. Start by loving God, instead of doing His works so that you will love Him!

Conclusion: It is hard to do devotion and quiet time everyday, and it is harder to evangelise and to do things for God. So i encourage you, LOVE Him first! Read the bible with understanding and not just for the sake of it! If you do not understand what you are reading, you are just wasting your time! SO GO FIND OUT WHO GOD IS! DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER! GO!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spiritual Warfare!

Spiritual Warfare is basically the battle between you and the devil himself, satan. satan will use all kinds of methods to cause you to sin, at any place, any time. satan can tempt you, but you are the one who chooses to sin! Spiritual Warfare will last forever! YES! Forever! It is tiring, and very unexpected every time satan strikes. You may not even know it! But pray to God! Ask Him to fight this battle! On your own, you cannot even stand 0.5 second against satan. That is why you need God! With God, victory is yours!

Conclusion: No matter how tough or hard your walk with God is, keep on walking! Even if you have to take super tiny steps all the way, DO IT! It may be slow and tiring, but in the end, you will gain VICTORY! DO NOT give up! Hang in there! Seek God for His help and it will be given. Ask and it shall be done! :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

What is so hard to believe?

I am so happy now! Today i met a really long long time friend whom i have never met in real life! (ya.. internet friend :p) HELLO BLURDRAGON!!! Cool right!?

1) When gravity was discovered and the theory was written, everyone believed because they could feel the effects although they cannot see gravity.

2) When oxygen was discovered and it was told we need oxygen to live. People believed although they cannot see because they can feel it.

3) When magnetism was discovered, everyone believed because they could feel it!

Conclusion: We believe every theory people say that is written in books. Although we can not see it, we believe it. Why? It is because we FEEL IT!

QUESTION: We know God exists by reading the bible. We can feel God! WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE? Why are your hearts rejecting God? HE LOVES YOU! Do you?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Do you ever find your christian walk tough? Ever felt like it is easier to give up being a christian? Let me tell you, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP!!!

Yes! Life is easier when you are not a christian. You can do many SINFUL things and life is relaxing and very easy. When you are christian, you cannot do many things in life, you get scolded and you may even be ignored by you friends. Your life will be slow and torturous.

BUT! When we all die, sinner will go to HELL and be tormented FOREVER! While we Christians will enjoy forever! Our sufferings can be counted in years, but our enjoyment in heaven CANNOT be measured by anything. It is infinity and infinity and infinity and infinity and beyond! ITS REALLY FOREVER!!! And once you are up there, you cannot go to hell! YAY! FOREVER WITH GOD!

Conclusion: Do not ever give up your walk with God! Our suffering is nothing compared to the rewards in heaven! So i encourage you! DO NOT GIVE UP!

Say this prayer with me: Dear Heavenly Father, i pray that i would never ever give up my walk with you, if i ever have this foolish thought, i pray that you would discipline me and bring me back to you. Do not forsake me, but please continue to shower love on me. In Jesus most precious name. Amen!

Friday, July 17, 2009

God, how do you love us unconditionally?

"Samuel, clean your room now. Samuel do this, samuel do that!" Does this sound familiar? You most probably hear it from your parents, especially your mum.

Imagine you are doing your homework, watching TV or anything you like. Then your mother came in and nag at you. Would you do it? To tell you the truth, i do not do it all the time. BUT! If you do it, you are showing love to your mother. Hard? Now imagine your mother nagging at you at least once a day, will you get angry and scold your mother? Or will you do what she says? Is this harder to do? LET ME TELL YOU THIS! Every single day when you ask God for help, you are like your mother, nagging at God. But God still answers you! He DOES NOT ignore you, He DOES NOT forsake you, He DOES NOT scold you, He DOES NOT strike you dead for being noisy and much more. INSTEAD, GOD showed love to you. Amazing right? I am personally amazed. How does God listen to our every single little nag and answer it ALL! REMEMBER! He listens to everyone on earth, NOT just you! How does God be patient with us and let us continue nagging at Him even though we are so noisy? SIMPLE! God loves us! It is love! God wants an intimate love relationship with YOU! He wants you to talk to Him!

Conclusion: 1) God wants an intimate relationship with you. Will you accept God's love?
2) God wants YOU to show the same love He shows you to everybody around you!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The First Step

Let us keep this short and simple :) The first step, i call it "The Step of Faith".

In any situation (e.g. evangelising, praying in public, worship God with knees bowed and many more), we have to take the first step. God will help you! But it is really up to you to decide whether to take the FIRST STEP! Let me share with you a recent example. My church is having a concert called "No One Else" on 1 August 2009, 7pm at Bukit Batok. Please tell me if interested! Ok! back to the point, i actually bought a few tickets in advance before i started asking my friend. So it was NOW or NEVER! This week, i have been asking almost everybody whom i chat with. But this courage was NOT given to me in the beginning. At first, i was really really nervous, was thinking all the negative effects like scolding, vulgarities, isolation and more... It was really terrible. But i really want to bring more people to the concert, therefore i told God, "Help me take the FIRST STEP!" I DID! The answer was "consider", sadly, but from that day on, i kept on taking the opportunity God gave me!

Conclusion: The first step is really ALL it takes to start evangelise. Start with a close friend, your family or even relatives. My brother and sisters, GO FOR IT! God WILL give you the opportunity, ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE IT? This is the question! ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP FOR GOD?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Taking advantage?

There has been question which i have been asking myself lately, "Am i taking advantage of God because i know He loves me?"

And i got this answer recently. I hope anyone with the same question will not be troubled any longer :)

The answer is NO! When you think it this way, this means you have put yourself above God! You are trying to say you can do things on your own. WRONG! You need God in everything you do! You are NOT taking advantage of Him, you NEED Him! You need God to help you do well in exams, you need God to give you strength and energy, you need God to walk, most importantly, you need God to live! You must know that you need God in everything, you are actually asking too little from Him! You are NOT taking advantage of God, you are actually relying on God! So i urge you, my brothers and sisters, TALK TO GOD! HE WANTS YOU TO RELY ON HIM 100%!!! God loves you! Do you love God?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All talk and NO action = a complete waste of time

Hello my brothers and sisters! We meet again! :)

This topic is quite simple, so i will keep it short.

Imagine this. Yesterday, you taught your little brother not to lie to your mother. Today, you lied to your mother in front of your brother. When your brother says, "You also lie! What rights do you have to tell me not to lie?!" How would you react? Speechless right?

Luke 6:46-49
v46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?
v47 I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice.
v48 He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
v49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

Conclusion: It just says, if you do not do what you teach others, when other catch you doing the same thing they did, you will be ashamed. So whatever you learn from God, PUT IT INTO USE! DO NOT JUST LISTEN AND FORGET!

Explanation to the verse: Your actions is like the foundation. If you do what you teach, it will be building a house on a strong foundation. If you do not do what you teach, it will be building a house with NO foundation. The flood is criticism from people. If you do what you say, they cannot say you are a fault. But if you do not do what you say, one sentence they say and you will be 'destroyed'.

Monday, July 13, 2009


a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

Ok! So as you can see, today will be on compromise.
My question to you is, "Do you compromise God for worldly things?"

What i am trying to point out is, in life, especially in Singapore where it is very rushing, we always compromise our spiritual values,our relationship with others and sometimes God. THIS IS REALLY DISGUSTING! Let me give you an example. Let us use john as an example.

John reached home from school and started playing computer games instead of his homework. When his mother asked him what he was doing, john said project work (lying). When his mother went to switch off the computer, john scolded and used vulgarities at his mother (did not obey his mother, sinful words and action, sin against God). He did not apologise and went to sleep. Next day in school, he forgot to do his homework, so he said he left it at home (lying to escape punishment). That afternoon, john forgot to bring his pocket money to school. Feeling hungry, john felt frustrated. When his friends came to joke with him, he yelled at them (un-godly actions). He acted in an un-godly manner because he was hungry.

Looking at this example, we compromise many things in just 1-2 days, that includes me. We compromise because we do not want to get scolded, we are feeling frustrated, we want to gain something, our pride and much more... But is it worth it? I tell you, 100% NO!
Matthew 6:19-22
v19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
v20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
v21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

We should NOT compromise God for anything. When we say we give our ALL to God, it means all situation, all problems and all consequences. YES! You may get scolded by teacher, you may be humiliated by people and you may be looked down. However, each time you DO NOT compromise God, God is smiling at you! So store up heavenly things where it last forever! God deserves our ALL! We should NOT compromise anything for Him!

Then you say, "I cannot do it! I will definitely compromise something! I do not deserve God's love!" WRONG! i repeat WRONG! It is because we man keep sinning and keep compromising God because of our sinful nature, and we even do it unknowingly, it shows how much we need God! Only God can prevent you from compromising. Nothing is impossible with God! When you have sinned, repent and ask for forgiveness, and it will be given to you. It is because GOD LOVES YOU! Amen! Praise God!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (the cross)

If you want to know what is so special about the cross, let me tell you in this post.

As your know, Jesus died on the cross and rose again. For those who do not know, click here.

Honestly, dying on a cross was not something huge. Every criminal who got the death penalty died on the cross. So what was so special when Jesus died on the cross? We must look at the intention. Jesus DID NOT commit any sins and He DID NOT do a single thing wrong. He did not swear, curse, kill , rape, steal and more... YET He was sent to the cross to die. WHY?? It is because He wanted to die on the cross to forgive all our sins, past, present and future. Every single one. It is the same as you stole something and Jesus took the blame for you.

Then why do we take the cross as an important object when Jesus is important and not the cross? Simple! It is because we man, are forgetful creatures, we forget stuff super super easy. By looking at the cross, we remember that it is by GOD'S LOVE that He sent his One and only Son Jesus to die on the cross.

Conclusion: God really loves us so much although we are sinners :( I feel touched to hear that... and i am ashamed at how i treat Him. I am sorry God! I LOVE YOU GOD!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR US!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Under Attack!

Yep! Today was really under attacked by satan. It was stronger than before... felt very very very rotten. Struggled to keep on track. Prayed about it and reflected about my weaknesses. When i started to reflect, i realised i was still a long way to God and i had many weaknesses which i overlooked. I am determined to go closer to God! Never back but ALWAYS forward! NEVER ALONE but always WITH GOD! Amen!

Thank You God for being with me through the attack! Thank you for protecting me and giving me strength to resist the attack by satan. Thank you very much and i love YOU so very much! Praise God! Amen!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tough Times!

Today i am going to post about tough times. It simply means a period of time when your are facing a lot of troubles and difficulties. This may include pain, disappointment, depression, anger and more.

Every problem is different, so i cannot say i understand how you feel, but i can share with you how i felt :)

Here goes... During my period of difficulties, i will get angry very EASILY. Like a simple joke can make me shout and scream. Then i would feel my heart beating very fast, i cannot stay still and i would keep saying "ARGH!" The worst part was i STOPPED praying to God for that day. I DID NOT talk to God at all for that period of time. I suddenly felt too "lazy" to pray to Him. That is the work of satan! satan wants you to stop talking to God. When i realised this, i was filled with sadness. I was crying in my heart, i felt ashamed to talk to God... All i did was ask God to forgive me. I prayed once, nothing happened. I still felt the same. Twice, nothing. But i did not stop! I continued praying and praying. I also took out my bible to read. I continued to pray. FINALLY! Peace filled me. I was healed. I EXPERIENCED HEALING! I was going "ARGH!" one minute ago and saying "PRAISE GOD!" in the second. It felt WONDERFUL!

Therefore i want to encourage all of you. No matter how rotten or terrible you feel, seek God. Use any method! Praying, reading the bible, worshipping, devotion and more... The key word for today is SEEK GOD! satan is making you feel rotten and terrible so you would walk away from God by your own! Be strong! Seek God when you experience this! SEEK GOD!

Psalm 27:8
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

God, i thank you for loving us even though we always sin.

'Man destroys everything God creates.' - Samuel (ME)

Am i wrong to say that? NO! God created animals, man made many EXTINCT. God created forests, man turns forests into DESERTS. God created water, man made it polluted. God created land, man DESTROYS land to build houses and roads. God gave man air, man makes air POLLUTED. God created more man, man KILL man. God gave love and peace, man prefers war and hatred. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to save us, man ignores the fact and continues being unrepentful. TELL ME ONE THING GOD CREATED/GAVE THAT MAN DID NOT DESTROY! I cannot think of any...

HOWEVER! God still loved us, is loving us and continues to love us. No matter how much we destroyed all His creation, He still loves us. THANK YOU GOD! His love for us has NO boundaries, His love is infinite and eternal!

Imagine this! I go to your house, i destroy all your furniture, i smash your computer, i cause your TV to explode, i drill holes into your floor, i fill your room with insects, i cut off your water supply, i pour paint inside and outside your house and CHAIN you in. Then i want you to FORGIVE ME and treat me as your BEST FRIEND! Can you do that? 99.99% NO! If yes, you are most probably lying to yourself.

BUT THAT IS WHAT GOD HAS BEEN DOING, IS DOING NOW AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO! YOU DESTROYED HIS CREATIONS YET HE STILL LOVES YOU! Why are you not ashamed? I AM! All God is asking FROM YOU is for you to repent and give up your sinful lifestyle! SIMPLE!

I would like you to make a choice today.
Are you going to give up your sinful lifestyle FOR eternal life with God?
Are you going to give up eternal life with God FOR your sinful lifestyle?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Encouragement! :)

I would like to encourage all of you in 3 ways.

First, fasting. For those of you who are fasting, i would just like to say it is a commitment between you and God. No one can force you what to fast or how long to fast. Nobody is going to scold you for being unable to keep your fast. But remember, it is a promise between you and GOD! And when you make a promise, you do your best to keep it! When you feel weak, tired, feeling that it is too tough or when the temptation is just too much, here are some steps you can take. 1) STOP whatever you are doing. 2) PRAY to God for help! 3) Experience how God deliver you from the temptations!

Second, evangelism. There are 2 problems people usually face. 1) Scared to evangelise. 2) Sad when you fail to bring people to church after evangelising. For the first point on scared to evangelise, i just want to say that it will not be you telling others about God, it will be the Holy Spirit! Do not be afraid! Once you start, God will help you ALL THE WAY! Ask God to give you the opportunity to evangelise! BUT do not ignore the opportunity God gave you! For the second point on being sad when you fail to bring people to church after evangelising, i just want to say keep up the good work! I am sure God is happy with you! Remember this, YOU sow the seeds in people's life, BUT God makes the seed grow! Whatever the outcome, do not be sad, DO YOUR BEST AND LET GOD DO THE REST! Praise God!

Thirdly, your behaviour. (taken from 40 DAY 09 'when darkness falls' 08 July). God loves sinners and welcomes them into His house, AND SO SHOULD WE. But both Old and New Testaments severely warn those who have been forgiven, cleansed, and enlightened (believers), and yet persist in their old life of sin. This means that if you are a believer and YET you continue to sin and refuse to change your sinful lifestyle, God will be more angry at you compared to non-believers.

Conclusion: Ask yourself this question. How different am i before and after i accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour? Is there a great difference or a tiny one? Lastly, i would like to encourage all of you to rely on God no matter what happens! God will always be there! Every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute and every second! Nobody would be there for you every second of the day, including your family and friends EXCEPT God! GOD LOVES YOU! DO YOU?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My confession :(

Before i start, i would like to say, "SORRY GOD!" Ok here goes...

Yesterday, i went to sentosa with some people from my church! YAY! Laugh laugh laugh! Play Play Play! Although i did not know most of them there... but i still had fun and made new friends! THANK YOU GOD! ME LOVE GOD! haha!

OK the confession... When i went home that night, my sister was using the computer, then i waited for my turn. (i very nice ok? she want use i let her use :D) Then went i went into my account, i got the shock of my life! SHOCKED! ALL MY INFORMATION WAS WIPED OUT! NONE! Projects, assignments, past homework and etc... :( Immediately, i got so frustrated and angry. SERIOUSLY FUMING! After that, a lot of un-godly behaviour came out. I AM SORRY GOD! :'(

I went to another room to cool down. Talked to God, sing songs to Him before cooling down. After that i just went to bed and slept through the night. The next morning, i was SUPER EXHAUSTED. I was like a walking zombie. That morning i felt God speaking to me. He said something like this (roughly),"you said you will give your ALL to Me and praise Me in all situation, why are you acting in this way?" When i heard this, i was ashamed. I realised i have been making my own decisions and NOT God's decision. I AM SORRY GOD! From today onwards, MORE with GOD! LESS with worldly desires!

Although i have fallen, i know i am forgiven with God's grace and mercy. Today, i have experienced victory from this trial by God! Thank you God for putting me through this trial! I have grown closer with my Heavenly Father, God. *hugs*

Conclusion: Praise God in ALL situations, in good or BAD. Thank you God for forgiving me and using this opportunity to remind me of everything i have learnt. I will let YOU make decisions for me and not make decisions myself. I will do it YOUR WAY and NOT mine. And i will remember this situation and praise Your Holy Name! Amen!

Something fun you might want to know!

OK people! This is something cool i thought of.


1) Stand up!
2) Put your hands by your side!
3) Relax your whole body!

Do you realise your fingers are curving towards you? Do you want to know why?


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Somethings i learnt today...

Yo peoples! Today's service was funny! Someone from my cell (GDP) urged me to talk to a girl sitting alone, to my right. Then i was uh-huh... I am the shy type... so i was a little nervous (YES I AM! EVEN IF YOU DO NOT THINK SO!). But i felt God's presence so i went and said 'HI'. AWKWARD~~ But YEA I DID IT WITH GOD'S HELP! GOD! I LOVE YOU FOREVER! YAY! (yea... if you are reading my blog, i am talking about you! -.- But thank God for you :D)

OK so much about me, MORE about GOD!
The one thing that really touched me was this: When you are a believer, you are already judged by God! You are guilty, but forever forgiven!
Here are the other few points:
1) man without God have a cold heart, man with God have a warm heart :D
2) I will NEVER experience God's wrath, but i will experience God's discipline! (there is a difference! God's discipline is for me to change because He loves me! :D)
-Trust me! you DO NOT want to see God's wrath! you DO NOT want to!
3) The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ! (click here to know more about Jesus!)

The rest is about revelation. Which means what will happen in the future and etc... I am not going to touch on that because i did not study in detail about that and it is a VERY confusing topic. Probably next time after i study in depth!

for now, just know this!: GOD LOVES YOU!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Reflection! :)

Ok people! Today will not be some long passage... just going to have a short post. (by the way, transformers is a good show, but too vulgar and quite a lot of sexual content) HAHA!

Ok... like today was actually fun. Went to cell outing and was quite fun! The best part was photo taking! Poses and MORE poses! :D

That bad thing was at night. I have no idea what got over me, i just suddenly felt so frustrated. It is like when my family members talking or making a joke, i over reacted. I fee so bad... :( It was definitely the work of the devil, satan. There is no way u would suddenly for no reason from happy mood to frustrated mood. Of course i quickly prayed to God to calm me down and forgive me for me BAD behaviour. The moment i said 'AMEN' peace came into me. Now, with God's help, i managed to solve the effects of my actions to my family. Praise God!

I just want to say that prayer is a VERY VERY VERY powerful thing. I want to urge your to keep on praying. Whenever you feel angry, sad or even frustrated and you do not want to pray, that is the BEST time for you to pray. So keep on growing in God! God bless you!

"Jessica: actually, prayer doesn't work. God WORKS :)"

Amen! Thank you God for Jessica :) To add on this point, when you pray, God will give you 1 out of these 3 answers. 1) YES 2) NO 3) WAIT. You must know that prayer is actually a phone for you to talk to God. God is the One answering the phone WITHOUT FAIL. God is working in your life, not prayer! :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

2 greatest commandments.

Matthew 22:34-40

v34Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.

v35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:

v36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"

v37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'

v38This is the first and greatest commandment.

v39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

v40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

By the way, words in red are the words Jesus really said.

Look at the greatest commandment! It is to love the Lord your God with everything you have; with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. There is no other gods besides the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 5:7-10

v7 "You shall have no other gods before me.

v8 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

v9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

v10 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Look at the 2nd greatest commandment! It is to love your neighbour the same way you would love yourself. But it does not mean literally. It means to show unconditional love to everyone around you. YES INCLUDING YOUR ENEMIES! You have NO rights to judge others! Who are you to say what he/she did was wrong and you are right?

Matthew 7:1-2

v1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

v2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Conclusion: What do you find in common? YES! IT IS LOVE! Both commandments is about love! Why? It is because our God is a God of Love! He wants US to show the love He gave us to others so that people will know He is a God of Love! AMEN! Praise God!

*JiRo: love here refers to the love of God that led Jesus to the cross, that forgives, hence 'love covers a multitude of sins'... =)*

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Your Tongue!

James 3:1-12

1Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

2We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.

3When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal.

4Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.

5Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

7All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man,

8but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.

10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

11Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?

12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

Now let us examine a few verses...
v6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
This is how powerful your tongue is! Whatever you say may lead you to where all sinners belong, in hell. Therefore, guard your tongue closely! Be careful of what you say! For God is watching and He will judge you the day when you die.
v8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
You ask, "But i always say things before thinking, it is like an instinct. How do i do it?" Simple! With God's help! NOTHING can be done without God! Ask God to guard your tongue! God is the creator of ALL things! How tough is it for God to guard your mouth? No sweat!
v9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
God is holy and He deserves all our praise and worship! But how can you use the same tongue to curse God's creation and praise Him at the same time? IMPOSSIBLE! Keep your tongue away from sin, so when you worship God, it is pleasant in His eyes! Nobody can stand on two side! So whose side are you on? God or the devil himself, satan? Remember! Your choice, your decision! Praise God!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am touched by God's love! Are you?

I did my daily devotion today and i learnt MANY new things! Amen! But i am going to share with you one thing that really touched my heart. :)

Matthew 18:10-14
v10"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
v12"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?
v13And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
v14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.

Before i carry on, there is NO verse 11. I am surprised too! :(

This touched me because it showed how great God's love is! Praise God! It says when one sheep strays away from Him, He will go and look for that one sheep! The sheeps represents us, and the sheep that strays away are sinners. Imagine this, you are 1 out of BILLIONS of people in this world, yet when you sin, God specifically goes all out to bring you back to Him, where you will have shelter and be cared for. He will not stop looking for you UNTIL you have been found! This is just amazing! Praise God! Remember this! God's only desire for men is to REPENT and LIVE. God will NEVER forsake you. He has loved you, is loving you and will continue to love you! Praise God!