Saturday, October 3, 2009


What is sin? Sin is not something you do then you go "Oops! I did something wrong. Sorry God." It is much serious then this! Way more serious!

There is two meaning to sins:
1) Doing something you know you should not do (lying, stealing, killing, greed, lust)
2) Doing something you should have done but did not (love your friend, telling the truth)

Sin is a rebellious action towards God! When you sin, you disregard God's law! This means you are rebelling against God! Even a tiny lie is rebelling! WOAH! When you sin, you are associated to the devil! Do you know what this means? You suffer the same consequences as the devil!

Example: You dye your hair rainbow and you walk like gangster. When you go on the streets, people will give you a stare. Police officers will also ask you for your IC. Why? It is because you have been associated with a gangster! You will be treated as one!

Do you want that? The devil is going to hell! Do you want to go to hell too?

Then what can we do? First, you must admit that it is sin! DO NOT give excuses! Do not say, "Oh, it is like that." or "My mother say i am like that." STOP! When you have sinned, say you have sin! You cannot hide anything from God! Nothing! If it is an act (willing to admit sin is sin), it is easy to correct. If it is an attitude (refuse to admit sin is sin), that would be hard! Now take the time to identify what your sins are.


The devil has 3 ways to destroy us:
1) Entice us to sin
2) Inflicts diseases into our body
3) Seduces us to error

Let me tell you this, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO OVERCOME SIN! When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He not only washed our sins away. He has also gave us the power to overcome sin! Through the Holy Spirit, you can be changed! The Holy Spirit will transform our sinful nature to more godly characteristics. (righteousness of God)

Conclusion: The point is not to make your life perfect. We WILL sin! The point is to keep trying to stop sinning. That is all it matters. To keep trying! Regardless how many times you fail, keep trying!

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