Monday, August 31, 2009

Here we go again! YAY!

Haha, you probably think i have a good news... maybe, maybe not.


Haha! I do not even know why, it just feels like it. Maybe i am just tired? But i can still feel the Lord with me. So probably not considered spiritual dryness... Anyway, i still rejoice and praise God! Hallelujah!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Which FEAR is greater?

Why are we afraid of evangelism? Mostly because of fear! More than 9/10 of you will say fear of being rejected/losing 'face'/say wrong things/laughed/isolated/ignored and so on...

The phrase "The greatest fear is fear itself!" Its SO true! And it can actually be a stumbling block for us to do God's will!

BUT! What about the fear of God? Fear of not doing His will? Where did it go? This really shows we are really not afraid of God... If we are, we would be evangelising everywhere we go.

Honestly, i am filled with the fear of losing 'face'. I admit it! But i am going to pray for help so that i will do His will! What about you? Are you going to do something about it?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A whole new level of love!

Matthew 22:36-40
36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

There you go! The greatest commandment is to LOVE! Love the Lord your God and your neighbours (which is everyone around you). Not easy right? I agree! WAIT! That is NOT the highest level of love! The highest level of love is to love those you DO NOT LIKE/HATE. Love someone whom you cannot stay together for more than 1 sec! THAT is a whole new level of love!

I want to love those i find it hard to love! I make my decision right here, right now! What about you?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fill it up!

When you lose something you hold dear to you, what do you do? (e.g. lose boyfriend/girlfriend, job, favourite toy, best friend, achievements)

When you lose something like that, it is like there is a BIG hole in your life right? Your whole world is crashing and everything is not working well. BUT THAT IS THE BEST TIME TO START ANEW!

When your life is empty, the question is, "What do you want to fill it up with?" Hatred? Anger? Disappointment?

Why not God? Why not fill it up with God's love? Hatred, anger, disappointment WILL NOT fit the hole! Only God's love is a perfect fit for that hole! When you fall, give yourself a chance by filling it up with God's love. And prepare yourself for an exciting new beginning!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

One more space...

You say church is a place of hypocrites/sinners/liars.

Let me tell you this, there is room for more! Churches accept ANYONE and EVERYONE! We love all equally! We do not select who can enter and who cannot, we welcome all anytime. It is them who needs to come to church to know God! If you think you are pure and righteous, why do you come to church? You are also a sinner! You are no different as compared to those you say are hypocrites/sinners/liars.

It is not the healthy that needs a doctor, it is the sick. It is not the believers we need to reach out, but the non-believers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What is leadership?

What exactly is leadership? That is a question i ask myself. I strive to be a leader, i WANT to be a leader for God. No matter how much i say i do not want to be a leader, the instinct just come.

But i do learn a few things from taking up leadership roles from the past few years:
1) You take all the criticism from others. I mean ALL!
2) You may suffer from loneliness. (I learnt to handle it =D)
3) It is really tough to be a leader, it is an ongoing process, you constantly have to improve your leadership skills.
4) I must learn to handle relationship with work. Work may hurt relationship. Relationships may delay work.
5) I am not a leader yet. Not a true one at least...

Well i learnt that gifts are given by God, but timing is also provided by God. No matter what gifts you are given, you must wait for God's timing before your gift will be fully used. So stay strong and wait for God's timing! Praise God!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You can resist all temptations

1 Corinthians 10:13
13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

This verse really acts as an encouragement to me. When i am going through tough times, i usually ask God why He gives me such a huge problem that i cannot handle. But today, i realised i can! It is because God will not let me be tempted beyond what i can bear. Whatever God makes you go through, He makes sure you can handle it. Not only that, He provides a path for you to get out of it. We should really be thankful for having the chance to know such a wonderful God! Amen! So remember! No temptation is too much for us as the Lord our God is there, and He will only allow the devil to tempt you to what you can handle! Praise God!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Running a race!

Many people run in a race, but only 1 gets the prize. The runners goes into strict training and give their best during the race to get the prize.

In the same way, we should race with all we have to get the prize! We should go through God's training and be prepared to undergo suffering to be fully prepared. When the race starts, give it your best! Go all out for God!

Conclusion: You may be going through pain and suffering or in times of trouble. But this is God's training before the race starts! When the race starts, you can only win and not lose! Accept the training! Allow God to mould you! When the race start, you will WIN!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


This week has been considered rather stretched as i am piled up with homework + homework + more homework... When will it ever end...

But i am super glad that God did not leave me alone, yet He was there with me with everywhere i was. Although i neglected Him for this week, He never left me. Thank you God! As the weeks get busier, i pray that i will re-priorities and put Him first in everything.

Love you God! Always do!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sorry... :(

My pastor told us this story during service today... His daughter was so naughty that he wanted to cane her. He held her in one hands and the 'whoosh' sound of the cane could be heard. The daughter heard the sound, but it did not hurt. It was because the pastor was hitting himself. My pastor could not hit his own child at all. The only way to get rid of his own anger was by hitting himself...

Then he told us this:
When we sin, God is VERY VERY VERY angry! God could punish us by sending us all to hell! However, God loves us so much that He rather die on the cross and suffer than to do that to us! He suffered pain for us! And everytime we sin, we are sending Him back to the cross... God, i DO NOT want you to suffer for me anymore! Let me not sin so that i will not send you back to the cross! Let me not take your grace and mercy for granted!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thankful =D

This week has really be super tiring! Have been sleeping around 12am onwards almost everyday for this week and waking up at 6am! Been doing homework (tuition & school) + class graduation video (filming plus editing) + personal commitments

All these have been really making my body tired and i am like a walking zombie almost everyday... But thank God for helping me pull through the week even when it is super busy and super tiring. Thank You God for your mercy on me! Love you always!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something to consider about...

1 Corinthians 6:7-11
v7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?
v8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.
v9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
v10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
v11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

I read this passage today, and i was shocked by some verses. I have highlighted it above. When someone frame you, "Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?" If being framed can bring someone to Christ, it is worth it. But can you do it? I can't... BUT I WANT TO! Dear God, when i am wronged, when i am cheated, let me take it and still praise your Name up high!

We all know the wicked do not inherit salvation, but neither do we sinners! Even the smallest sin will deny you entry. We are also not allowed in! However, it was because Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and washed our sins away that we are allowed into heaven. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

You are saved because God chose you! You should be thankful + grateful + touched + many more. Take the time now to thank God if you are already saved!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

God delivers!

After yesterday chain of events, God has helped me go through today. Everything went well much better than expected. Thank you God! I have indeed experience God as my deliverer!

I have learnt/recalled a few things from this experience. God could be talking to me in this way.

1) I have come to serve and not to be served. Even when i am not appreciated and not wanted. I will continue to serve! The apostles in the past were not accepted, however, they continued to spread the Word of God.

2) God uses problems to train our perseverance. Through perseverance comes character and character produces hope. And God NEVER fails.
- Yesterday i went through a HUGE problem which was made worst by many few... It trained my perseverance in keeping myself free from sin. (etc. not scolding vulgarities) I realised God had indeed moulded me since i gave my life to Him and my character had improved greatly from my past. And God is still moulding me. And before i started the day, today was a new day of hope. Today, He delivered me from ALL my problems. God NEVER FAILS!

God, i love you! You are the BEST!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bad day...

Had i super bad day today... things happen all at the same time which leads to one word "anger".

Who am i doing it for?
Neither for God nor for me.
What do i get?
Nothing but the dust that comes from them.
I need the Lord and He is right there,
but the feeling is still there.
I took a step back,
but they took a step.
Help me Lord!
You are my comfort,
my strength.
I will forsake the world,
just to see the smile on your face.

Ever heard the phrase "given to the undeserving". God gave me, a nobody, salvation. I want to serve even when i get unappreciated. God please mould me through this, for i know it is the devil at work. Let me triumph over evil with your help and boast you name up high! Amen!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank you God!

Today i went for night study! WOOTS! Much more productive compared to studying at home... Thank you God for the energy and concentration!

Night study ended at 8.30pm today, and i went home. Somehow, i was thinking of taking a direct bus home. But i changed my mind when i realised i could not read my newspaper on it. So i changed my mind and walked to the MRT station, which was 15minutes walk away. While i was walking out, i saw parents fetching their children and i asked myself, "Why other people have parents to fetch them while i have to carry a huge bag home everyday?" Then i continued walking. Halfway, my dad called and told me he was going to fetch me. So i went to the MRT station to wait for him. SUPER COOL RIGHT?

1) wanted take bus but did not
2) complained my parents did not fetch me home
3) halfway my dad called saying he coming to fetch me

Pure coincidence? NO! I know it was God who arranged it for me :D God knew i was tired and thus He gave my father time to fetch me! I feel so touched by God's love :D I LOVE YOU GOD! God can do ANYTHING and He can read your mind! And i am loving it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Lord is with me!

Some of you may know my 'O' level exams are approaching... Homework are stacking up (tuition + school + timed practices + other commitments). Now it is the time for me to preach what i say! I remember saying that we have to priorities things. Always putting God first. Since God has shown me the danger ahead, i pray and know He will bring me through. Always put God first in anything i do =D

Shavinn and i had a talked yesterday... he told me something which i have never thought of. There are 2 types of people who accept God's decision even when it seems horrible.

1) People who do not get what they want but still tell the world he/she loves God!
2) People who do not get what they want but still tell the world he/she loves God! And also praise God!

To me, i have committed my results to God, in good or bad (although i hope its good). But God, you do what u want with me, just allow me to be with you for eternity! :) I want to praise you even if i do not score well! I know everything lies in your hand. I love you God! Do you love God?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A 2nd approach...

Hello! Getting a little tired of blogging daily... but for God, i shall do it! God, please renew that energy i once had for this blog!

Imagine you are with your best friend. If your best friend stole something, what would you do?

1) Scold him and tell him that he is no longer your friend?

2) Forgive him and tell yourself nothing happened.

The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE! If you scold him and say he is no longer your friend, you may be pushing him away from Christ. You may actually cause him to steal more. BUT if you act as if nothing happened, are you helping him? The answer is NO! He will think stealing is ok and will continue stealing. So what do we do? WE TEACH HIM AND ENCOURAGE HIM! Ask him what caused him to steal, and help him in any ways. That is what friends are about. Not just to hang out, not just to scold you and not just to laugh together. But to keep each other accountable, encourage one another in Christ and pull the person up if he has fallen.

Conclusion: Let us be encouragers to each other! God loves you! Do you love God back?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Help me to be humbled!

Romans 12:16
16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited

This one of the verses i read today. Live in harmony with one another. I said "I do live in harmony with everyone" however, i realised i get angry at certain people over simple things. And that is definitely NOT living in harmony.

Next, it says not be proud, but make friends with people of low position. I believe everyone have our own pride. When we hear praises, we tend to be proud. That is not good. We should always be humble as we are here to serve and not to be served. Make friends with people of low position. This not only means friends whom u think are not good for you. They can be foreign workers, cleaners in your school even a BEGGAR! Are you willing to be their friends? God wants us to love everyone, regardless of how rich or poor they are!

For me, as a guy, i often have problems with pride. And i thank God for humbling me in many ways. I also pray that i will be able to make friends with everyone, not just whom those i think are worthy of me. For i am the lowest of all, i am a servant to all. Praise God!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today i realised there are many out there with blogs that glorify God. It gives me such comfort that i am not the only one doing this and i can find comfort from their post. It acts like a mutual encouragement to me. Thank you God for using the blogs to encourage me and strenghten my relationship with you. Thank you =D I pray that God will give you comfort and encouragement in any form and you will continue to walk with Him till the end.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Romans 8:5-8
5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;
7 the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so.
8 Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

Read verse 8 AGAIN! v8 Those controlled by the sinful nature CANNOT please God! If you think God will forgive you every time you sin, you are WRONG! God only forgives those who REPENT! When you continue to act sinfully, even when you call yourself a Christian, it makes God unhappy. In fact, if you are a Christian, it makes God more angry because you know it is wrong yet you still do it! If you love God, ABANDON your sinful nature. Pray to God for guidance and help! Ask God to release the control sin have over you! Yes, we will continue to sin. However, nothing is impossible with God. If you truly want to please God, ask God to help you control yourself so that you will not sin.

If you do not start now, when will you start?

Romans 8:39-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Nothing will separate us from the love of God! Not even the demons can do it! God's love is given to you! Confirmed, without question! The question is, "Are you willing to accept God's love?" God's love is there! You just have to stretch your hand to receive it! What are you waiting for?

If you want to accept God's love, say this prayer with me :)
Dear God, I know your love is out there. Help me know you are here, let me experience your love. I want to receive the love you have for me! I am willing to be your child. Please accept me as your child and do not forsake me. I want to love you! In Jesus name i pray. Amen!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We are slaves!

Romans 6:16-23

16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.

18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

19 I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.

20 When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness.

21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!

22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Conclusion: YES! We ARE slaves! But who do you want to be slaves to? God or satan? In God, you will have eternal life. In satan, you will have eternal SUFFERING! Therefore i encourage you, STOP being slaves to sin! You can start changing by stopping the use of vulgarities or even obeying your parents. Simple things yet we still sin in that area. With God's help, we CAN change! Trust in God, and be slaves to righteousness!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Where is your heart?

John 16:33
33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

If you rely on God, you will find peace. If you rely on the world, you will have nothing but trouble. Do you feel stress in your school or even your workplace? Do you think life has too much troubles? Do you feel frustrated? God has provided you a solution! RELY ON GOD! By doing this, you can FINALLY find peace.

Remember, things in life will disappear after you die. No matter how well you do in your studies, or no matter how famous you are, it is useless in heaven. Therefore, STORE HEAVENLY TREASURES! It means do things that is pleasing in God's eye and NOT in the world's eye!

Matthew 6:12-21
19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Conclusion: Whatever worries or troubles you have now, whatever frustrations or bad emotions you have now, give it to God! By relying on God, all your troubles will *poof* and its gone.Trust God, He only gives you the best!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Victory! FINALLY!!!

As some of your know, i have been addicted to computer games recently. I have a good news to share! With God's help, i have finally took control of my addiction! The first step i did was to un-install the game. Now all i left is to control myself =D THANK YOU GOD! I LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh really?

Today i learnt something important in the service... Just came into my thoughts when i looked through the notes again.

God wants a personal encounter with me everyday.

God WANTS a personal encounter with you, but do you feel it? If you do, are you sure it is everyday? If you do not, maybe because we are not looking for a personal experience. If you do not look for it, how do u know God is not having an encounter with you? That got me thinking, i should always seek an encounter with God DAILY =D God was there with us, is there and will be there forever! God bless you! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


Haha thanks for the encouragement guys.... AND GIRLS! Thought about it and prayed about it almost the entire day. Discovered that i forgotten many "basics" in a way... Thank you m0o0gle and SHEENA! hahaha!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I feel so STUCK! It feels like i am stuck in this tiny box, no where to go...

Everyday, i eat,school,eat,study/play,eat,study/play,blog,sleep. And this continues and continues... WHAT AM I DOING FOR GOD!?!? I want to go out there and do more for God! No doubt i can evangelise in school, but i want more!!! Tuition and studies just take up to much time... i could have joined as sound engineer in church if not for my tuition. I would have gone to missions during June holidays if not for remedial... Sometimes, this makes me wonder if education was meant to be this busy. Studies was made for good, but has it turned into something that turns us away from God?

Conclusion: Studies is studies, BUT IT IS WORTHLESS! You cannot bring it to heaven, it will rust! Doing God's will and storing heavenly treasure is what we should do! More for God! AND God alone!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you?

I came across this passage which struck me.

Question: "There is a gold mine found, and everyone rushes to it. However, there is a river in the way. What would you do?"

You would most likely say, "I will swim over it!" or "I will go one big round to reach it. Right?"

The question back to you, "Why not start a boat service?"

I was stunned when i read till this sentence. In life, we often do not want to do certain things, even for God. So i ask you now, will YOU do things that you do not wish to do for God?

Conclusion: In life, there are certain things you DO NOT wish to do. BUT, i encourage you to do it FOR God! Do the things NO ONE ELSE wants to do for God!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prayer Group!

For some of you, you may have already known i have started a prayer group in my class :) Today was like the 3rd or 4th meeting i think (short-term memory here).

The first few meetings were quite "successful" in a way as there are usually 6-7 people each time. However, due to today's circumstances, there were only 3 of us. Some of you may think that the group is not growing or anything, but i personally think this was one of the best meetings so far (not many meetings but.. yea). The 3 of us, Zheng Yang, Gary and me, really discussed issues in our lives and we encouraged one another. I pray that we will continue to grow in God and continue to shine for Him! The cool thing was both of them prayed out loud! I believe it was their first time if i did not remember wrong! :D Really touched. Today's meeting was indeed fellowship with each other and quality time with God!

Dear Heavenly Father, i pray that you will let us have more quality time with you through prayer and petition and through fellowship. In Jesus most precious name i pray. Amen!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Something about prayer :)

We all know prayer is talking to God. When we need something, we ask and God will answer us. His answer will be "yes", "no" or "later" (in simple terms).

Question: "Do you pray only in the bad times or good times?"

We must pray to God in good and bad times. We must ALWAYS trust in the Lord. Even when things get worse each day, stay strong and TRUST in the Lord! He will bring you out of the bad times!

Question: "Do you believe God can do ANYTHING?"
If you said yes, are you sure?

Do you believe God can make you fly? Do you believe God can teleport you to another country?

Obviously we DO NOT believe God can do anything... THAT IS WHERE WE ARE WRONG! God CAN make us fly! God CAN teleport us anywhere He wants! It is not done because WE DO NOT BELIEVE.

Conclusion: When i need help and i pray to God, but i do not see immediate effect, i start to wonder where God is... This is WRONG! When you pray to God for help, He will! Trust in Him and it will be done! So i just want to encourage you. TRUST in the Lord, He can do ANYTHING! (even make you fly! :D)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday & Sunday post :D

OK OK! First, i may say SORRY for not posting yesterday... Went to No One Else concert and came home late. But that is not an excuse. So i am so SORRY guys and girls :( Especially God. Sorry God :(

As i mentioned, i went to No One Else concert yesterday... And i brought friends!!! AWESOME! This is really cool. First, i bought 10 tickets because i was intending to bring 10 friends. In the end, i only managed to ask 7 friends to go, so i had 3 spare. I totally did not know what to do. Amazingly, my friend Shalini, could make it! YAY! So i sold 3 tickets to her :) But yesterday, i realised i heard wrongly, she only wanted 2 tickets. I did not know what to do but i just let it be. At 5.30pm, i went to Lot 1 to meet my friends for dinner. Surprisingly, my sister had a friend who suddenly wanted to go, and she did not have a spare. So i gave my spare ticket to her! YAY! Sadly, 1 friend last minute could not go. But the cool thing was 6 friends turned up for the concert. So there was 7 in all (including me). 7 stands for completeness! AWESOME! Really amazed by God's works. Praise God!

Today, i went for the thanksgiving service. So here was what i learnt. The message was simple and strong.

We all know the world is rotting. Oceans are getting polluted, people are starving, people are suffering from the war. But what do we ask from God?

"Lord, please send someone to save them!" You would probably say this!

BUT! Why not YOU be the change? Why not say "Lord, please use me to change the world!"

This message may be simple, but it really got me thinking. I always asked God to send someone to help them, but from today onwards, GOD PLEASE USE ME! USE ME TO CHANGE THE WORLD! Praise God!