Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nothing Definite.

I was looking at the car park cement floor today when i realised different shades of grey. Thus, i concluded the following. A certain colour can have many different shades due to the intensity of light. In the dark, grey may be one colour. In light, it may turn another. It is hard to say which is the correct grey. Even professionals can not guarantee which is the 100% correct grey. Only the Creator (God) who defined grey can guarantee which is the correct grey.

In the same way, we humans are the same (cement floor). However, we have different shades during different situations in our lives. No one can say that he/she knows you 100% well or he/she knows you perfectly well. We humans may have a pattern of behaviour but we are definitely not 100% predictable. Thus, we do not judge each other on what we see or perceive. We DO NOT try to correct them using your own understanding without understanding why they did it in a certain manner in the first place. You first try to understand why they do certain things before you give your suggestions or opinion. You might even realise you are wrong in the first place. Therefore, try to understand the other person before judging or criticizing them. God bless!

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