Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In whom do we trust?

Qn: If your eyesight is getting worse and you would like to find a solution to cure it, who do you look to?

Ans: The eye specialist. If a nurse came to tell you what was the problem, you would doubt her and question her prescribtion. If a doctor came and tell you what happen, you would believe what the doctor say. However, you may still have a little doubt. But, if a specialist came and tell you what is the problem, i am sure most of you will believe him/her 100%.

Qn: If your dog is sick, who do you look for?

Ans: The vet. If your friend came and tell you what happened, you will most likely not believe 100%. However, if you allow a vet to look at it, you would most likely believe 100% what the vet is saying.

There is a reason why i am giving you the example. In life, we look at the biggest 'rank' or 'status' and we trust that person in that rank the most.

In the same way, who do we trust more regarding God's word. Your friends? Pastors? Or God? How come we believe what our friends and pastors say about God so easily. Yet we find it so hard to believe the things written in the bible. Ironic! We should believe in God more! Not our friends or pastors! We should have a discerning Spirit and experience God ourselves!

God bless!

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